
Johan Norberg

Författare, föreläsare och senior fellow vid Cato Institute. Expert på frihandel och globalisering.

Top 5 podcasts with Johan Norberg

Ranked by the Snipd community
21 snips
Nov 1, 2023 • 49min

Johan Norberg: Why We Need a Capitalist Manifesto

Swedish historian Johan Norberg discusses how economic globalization, political liberalization, and cultural freedom have improved living standards, debunking misconceptions about libertarian values. He addresses China's economic growth, the benefits of free trade and immigration, the decline in workforce participation among men, complexities of welfare systems, perceptions of China as a threat, the loneliness epidemic, combating pessimism, and finding meaning in capitalist societies.
17 snips
Sep 2, 2023 • 1h 11min

#419 - In Defense of Capitalism...and Sweden's Covid Response (w/ Johan Norberg)

Johan Norberg, Swedish writer and historian, joins the hosts to discuss his forthcoming book The Capitalist Manifesto, Sweden's Covid response, and the misconception of Swedish socialism. They explore defending capitalism, global trade, wealth distribution, and the unique approach Sweden took during the pandemic. The chapter also touches on federal commissions, Sweden's economic policies, and a memorable meeting between the speakers.
12 snips
Jul 15, 2024 • 40min

Ep. 17 Johan Norberg: On Sweden’s “Socialism,” the Loneliness "Epidemic,” Degrowth and other Myths

Johan Norberg, an author and historian known for his critiques of socialism and advocacy for capitalism, dives into the misconceptions surrounding socialism and the benefits of a market-driven economy. He dispels myths about Sweden's socialist success, revealing its blend of free-market principles and welfare. Norberg argues that capitalism fosters happiness and strong social ties, countering the idea of loneliness as an epidemic. He also tackles the controversial debate between economic growth and degrowth, showcasing how capitalism can lead to greater generosity and poverty reduction.
11 snips
Jan 31, 2025 • 1h 21min


I det här intressanta samtalet med Johan Norberg, en expert på frihandel och globalisering, och Ingrid Serup, handelspolitikexpert, utforskas farorna med handelskrig. De diskuterar hur protektionism hotar ekonomiskt välstånd och skapar kaos i samhället. Dessutom belyser de hur tullar och handelskonflikter kan öka risken för militära konflikter. Samtalet tappar inte bort sig i vissa historiska exempel och ger insikter om hur dessa konflikter påverkar den globala ekonomin och lokala marknader.
Nov 19, 2024 • 34min

Author Johan Norberg on capitalism and human flourishing

Johan Norberg, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and prolific author, shares his insights on capitalism and human flourishing. He highlights the critical role of free market systems in alleviating poverty and fostering innovation. Norberg challenges misconceptions about capitalism and argues that economic growth is essential for addressing global issues like inequality and environmental challenges. He also discusses historical golden ages, emphasizing that openness to new ideas fuels societal success, while fear leads to decline. His new book, The Capitalist Manifesto, is eagerly anticipated.