
George Gammon

Expert in treasury markets, interest rates, and inflation. Provides insights on rate-cutting cycles and their impact on real estate.

Top 10 podcasts with George Gammon

Ranked by the Snipd community
8 snips
Apr 12, 2023 • 38min

Are you prepared for the next financial crisis?

Robert Kiyosaki and guest George Gammon dive into the current state of money and the potential impact of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) on the economy and individual privacy. It's not all doom and gloom, but the speakers emphasize the importance of being prepared and paying attention to warning signs.The speakers compare the yield curve to a tsunami warning system, with the inversion of the curve signaling a financial tsunami approaching. They caution against celebrating the Fed's pivot and rushing to invest in risky assets, as it could lead to financial ruin. Instead, they advise having a large cash position with 10% in physical gold and short-term treasuries to avoid counterparty risk.It's not just about protecting your assets, but also protecting individual freedom and the free market. The potential dangers of a CBDC include the loss of privacy and the risk of authoritarian control. The speakers warn against sacrificing these values in times of crisis and caution against central planners and authoritarians taking advantage of such crises to gain more control.So, are you prepared for the next financial crisis? Pay attention to warning signs and be prepared, just like the animals in Indonesia during the tsunami who headed for the hills while humans chased after fish. The importance of financial education and awareness cannot be stressed enough in navigating the complex world of money and investing.Don't wait until it's too late to take action. Study and learn to protect your financial security.-----Please read carefully.This is not financial advice.You may be asking, “what does that mean?”Let me explain…Do not just do what I, my team or my guest says. That would be stupid and irresponsible. Take the education, then use your own brain and make your own decisions.YOU must take responsibility for your future and your success. That is why you are here. Neither I, or my team, or my guests, know your risk levels, prior education, emotional maturity or how much money you can afford to lose. We are only telling you what we believe to be smart moves. But you must decide for yourself. There are NEVER guarantees. Also understand that we are REAL teachers. We practice what we preach. With that in mind we often invest in the very projects that may be mentioned on this show. While it is never our intent, we could possibly profit from others investing in our recommendations.Take the education we provide but then determine your own actions. If it does not make sense to you, get more education before you invest. We will continue to provide education and there will always be more opportunities.-----“net returns” refers to the annualized internal rate of return net of all fees and costs, calculated from the offering closing date to the sale date. IRR may not be indicative of Masterworks paintings not yet sold and past performance is not indicative of future results. See important Reg A disclosures: Masterworks.com/cd Masterworks’ offerings are filed with the SEC, view all past and current offerings here or at SEC.gov.
7 snips
Feb 1, 2023 • 2h 10min

Is Sound Money the Answer? with George Gammon (WiM268)

George Gammon is an entrepreneur and investor who has years of experience investing across multiple countries. We discuss the importance of education about taxation and small government, and the extent to which sound money is the solution for government overgrowth.GUEST: George's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@GeorgeGammon/ George's Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeorgeGammon/PODCAST: Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8...RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYIOutline: 00:00:00 “What is Money?” Intro Music 00:00:08 “What is Money?” Intro Message 00:01:34 Do More with Your Digital Assets with Ledn 00:02:18 Introducing George Gammon 00:03:53 State's Relationship with Taxation and Currency Debasement 00:09:22 Is Sound Money the Answer? 00:24:27 The Importance of Education About Taxation and Small Government 00:29:25 Can Printing Money Create Wealth? 00:39:28 Broken Window Fallacy 00:40:37 The Problem With Non-Consensual Exchange 00:43:59 Fixing Expansion of M2 00:48:44 Pathological Relationship Between People and the Government 00:54:03 What Contributes to the Government’s Theft 00:58:29 Misconception About the Federal Reserve 01:02:17 Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth 01:03:19 A Bitcoin Wallet with Privacy Built-In: Wasabi Wallet 01:03:54 A Chance To Win Discounted Tickets to The Bitcoin 2023 Conference and 10M SATS 01:04:51 Hold Bitcoin in the Most Secure Custody Model with Casa 01:05:39 Can Printing Money Create Wealth? 01:10:33 Two Cardinal Sins of The Federal Reserve 01:25:43 George's Definition of Money 01:27:13 Mechanics Behind the Printing of 4 Trillion Dollars 01:38:46 Redistribution of Purchasing Power 01:40:42 Printing Money Through The Sound Money Lens 01:43:33 Interest Rates and The Federal Reserve Dynamic 01:50:28 The Value of a Small Government and Bitcoin 02:00:38 How People Can Abolish the Regime 02:05:12 Breaking the Cycle and the Power of Education 02:08:34 Wrapping Up 02:09:51 "What is Money?" Outro SOCIAL: Breedlove Twitter: https://twitter.com/Breedlove22WiM? Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatisMoneyShowLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breedlove22/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breedlove_22/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breedlove22?l...All My Current Work: https://vida.page/breedlove22WRITTEN WORK: Medium: https://breedlove22.medium.com/Substack: https://breedlove22.substack.com/WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE: Bitcoin: 3D1gfxKZKMtfWaD1bkwiR6JsDzu6e9bZQ7 Sats via Strike: https://strike.me/breedlove22Sats via Tippin.me: https://tippin.me/@Breedlove22Dollars via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RBree...Dollars via Venmo: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=178435...The "What is Money?" Show Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=328431...RECOMMENDED BUSINESSES: Ledn lets you do more with your digital assets: https://www.ledn.io/CrowdHealth offers an innovative health insurance model based on Bitcoin and community: https://www.joincrowdhealth.com/breedloveWasabi Wallet is a Bitcoin wallet with privacy built-in by default: https://wasabiwallet.io/Join Me At Bitcoin 2023 in Miami, and use discount code BREEDLOVE for a chance to win 10M sats: https://b.tc/conferenceCasa is the most secure way to custody your Bitcoin (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://keys.casa/Buy High Quality Bitcoin Apparel Here (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://thebitcoinclothingcompany.com/?sca_ref=2744763.jDn5JzDZxSTry Feel Free Tonics, a Great Alternative to Alcohol and Caffeine (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://botanictonics.comThe Only Snack Bar I Will Eat—The Carnivore Bar: https://the-carnivore-bar.myshopify.com/?sca_ref=3135331.u66L01muXY
5 snips
Apr 8, 2023 • 1h

The Most Important Question in the World Today | Episode 1 | (WiM297)

"What is Money?" is the rabbit that leads us down the proverbial rabbit hole. It is the most important question for finding truth in the world. In this series, we will pursue this "rabbit" by engaging in a diversity of deep conversations with deep thinkers from different walks of life.// SPONSORS // In Wolf's Clothing: https://wolfnyc.com/iCoin Hardware Wallet (use discount code BITCOIN23): https://www.icointechnology.com/CrowdHealth: https://www.joincrowdhealth.com/breedloveWasabi Wallet: https://wasabiwallet.io/Join Me At Bitcoin 2023 in Miami (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://b.tc/conference/Casa (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://keys.casa/Bitcoin Apparel (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://thebitcoinclothingcompany.com/ Feel Free Tonics (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://botanictonics.comCarnivore Bar (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://carnivorebar.com/// OUTLINE // 00:00:00 - Coming up 00:00:57 - Intro 00:02:31 - Helping Lightning Startups with In Wolf's Clothing 00:03:18 - Money is a Tool that Allows Economy to Take Place - Jeff Snider (WiM081) 00:05:45 - Money is Power - Michael Saylor (WiM005) 00:06:39 - An Agreed Concept for Our Time - Jeff Booth (WiM012) 00:09:26 - Money is Freedom - Zuby (WiM031) 00:11:43 - Money is Technology - Dominic Frisby (WiM020) 00:13:56 - The Importance of asking “What is Money?” - Sunny Ray (WiM027) 00:16:34 - Money is Intrinsic to Us and the Way We Communicate - Chris Espley (WiM010) 00:18:24 - Money is an Extension of Mind - Preston Pysh (WiM072) 00:20:50 - Secure Your Bitcoin Stash with The iCoin Hardware Wallet 00:21:47 - Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth 00:22:49 - A Bitcoin Wallet with Privacy Built-In: Wasabi Wallet 00:23:24 - The Statist’s Money vs. The Fantasy Money - Brent Johnson (WiM032) 00:25:39 - Sound Money as an Insurance Policy - Robert Kiyosaki (WiM033) 00:27:30 - The Single Most Important Question in the World Today - Anthony Pompliano (WiM034) 00:29:48 - The More Fundamental the Realm the More You Should be Afraid of Coercion - Alex Epstein (WiM035) 00:32:15 - Money is a Way to Store Your Excess Productivity - George Gammon (WiM036) 00:34:16 - Money is an Accepted Commodity - Bob Murphy (WiM037) 00:34:52 - Money is a Liquid Fitness - Geoffrey Miller (WiM038) 00:35:33 - Money is a Stored Time - Kiara Bickers (WiM041) 00:37:15 - Money as a (Psycho)technology - John Vervaeke (WiM048) 00:41:58 - The Fungibility of Money - Eric Weinstein (WiM108) 00:42:33 - A Chance to Win Discounted Tickets to the Bitcoin 2023 Conference and 10M SATS 00:43:28 - Hold Bitcoin in the Most Secure Custody Model with Casa 00:44:16 - The Most Beautiful Lie? - Santiago Velez (WiM090) 00:47:19 - Money Doesn't Equal Happiness - Russell Lacour (WiM084) 00:49:31 - Money is Language - Neil Passero (WiM094) 00:51:57 - Money isn't a Thing that Comes to Us Naturally - Bradley Rettler (WiM110) 00:56:32 - Money is the Most Valueless Thing - Lester (WiM125) 00:59:19 - Money is an Accepted Means of Exchange - Noam Chomsky (WiM127)// PODCAST //Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8...RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYI// SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL // Bitcoin: 3D1gfxKZKMtfWaD1bkwiR6JsDzu6e9bZQ7 Sats via Strike: https://strike.me/breedlove22Sats via Tippin.me: https://tippin.me/@Breedlove22Dollars via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RBreedloveDollars via Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Breedlove-2The "What is Money?" Show Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=32843101// WRITTEN WORK // Medium: https://breedlove22.medium.com/ Substack: https://breedlove22.substack.com/ // SOCIAL // Breedlove Twitter: https://twitter.com/Breedlove22WiM? Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatisMoneyShowLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breedlove22/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breedlove_22/TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breedlove22All My Current Work: https://vida.page/breedlove22
Apr 1, 2024 • 1h 15min

The Best Investors Treat Trading Like Blackjack

Real estate expert George Gammon discusses his libertarian views on investing, emphasizing the importance of catching trends early. He explains the differences between retail and professional investors, highlighting the use of asymmetry to stack odds in their favor.
Nov 5, 2024 • 1h 11min

246. USD vs BTC: Debate with Brent Johnson

Brent Johnson, known for his "dollar milkshake theory," passionately argues for the US dollar's continued dominance, while Saifedean Ammous presents Bitcoin's potential as a game-changer in global transactions. They delve into Bitcoin's advantages over traditional currencies, discussing its resilience against government interference and varying degrees of volatility. Johnson and Ammous tackle the future of money, debating economic implications and individual empowerment in finance. It's a thought-provoking clash that questions how digital currencies may reshape our financial landscape.
Aug 12, 2024 • 1h 3min

“Dedollarisation?” 🛑 THIS is what EVERYONE is MISSING | George Gammon

George Gammon, a renowned macro-finance educator and investor, dives into pressing economic issues. He explains the recent market correction and its link to the yield curve inversion, a crucial recession indicator. The conversation explores de-dollarization, detailing how shifts in currency usage by BRICS nations could disrupt the U.S. dollar's dominance. George also shares his insights on the looming recession, encouraging preparation and resilience in investment strategies, emphasizing gold and T-bills for navigating economic uncertainty.
Apr 11, 2024 • 2h 8min

Money, Velocity, and Bitcoin’s Impact with George Gammon (WIM457)

Financial expert George Gammon discusses money, velocity, and Bitcoin's impact. Topics include quantitative easing's influence on money supply, Federal Reserve's crisis management, functions and properties of money, critiques on Federal Reserve's control, future of money with Bitcoin and CBDCs, potential outcomes of a dollar crash, complexities of the global monetary system, and implications of banking systems on the economy.
Feb 21, 2025 • 57min

Interest Rates Just Made a Move What to Expect for 2025

George Gammon, an expert in treasury markets, interest rates, and inflation, joins the discussion to unravel the latest shifts in the financial landscape. He delves into historical rate-cutting cycles, forecasting the economic scene for 2025. Topics like the impact of global capital flows on real estate and the relationship between rising interest rates and inflation take center stage. Gammon also shares insights on the intriguing dynamics of the 10-year Treasury yield and how it could affect both consumer prices and real estate strategies moving forward.
Oct 9, 2024 • 45min

Market Crash Coming? Here are the Signals

George Gammon, a self-taught macroeconomist, shares insights on the looming market crisis with a focus on oil and gas investing. He explains the significance of the inverted yield curve as a recession indicator, highlighting financial institutions shifting toward safer assets. The discussion delves into how the Federal Reserve influences the oil and gas sector through interest rate changes. Gammon emphasizes the need to look beyond market euphoria, noting global crises and the importance of a robust investment strategy amidst economic uncertainties.
Aug 11, 2024 • 1h 6min

Quoth the Raven #345 - George Gammon Explains The Yen Carry Trade Chaos

George Gammon, an economic commentator and host of the Rebel Capitalist Show, dives into the chaos affecting U.S. markets, driven by the yen carry trade. He explains its complexities and the risks it poses to investors. The conversation explores potential debt crises, insights from the bond market, and how the Fed might respond. George also shares his thoughts on short and medium-term market trends, highlighting an economic landscape fraught with uncertainty and discussing the implications for everyday Americans.