
Gary Bernhardt

Software developer and creator of Execute Program, known for his work with TypeScript and testing

Best podcasts with Gary Bernhardt

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42 snips
Aug 5, 2020 • 1h 25min

144: Gary Bernhardt - TypeScript and Testing

Topics include:Why Gary decided to write Execute Program as a full-stack TypeScript application instead of using a Ruby or Python backend like he may have traditionallyDo you actually have to write less tests if you have a good type system?What does a good type system give you that tests can't give you?Using io-ts to type check incoming dataHow to think about structuring your code to best take advantage of the benefits your type system gives you and minimize the need to write testsPushing conditional logic to the core of your system to reduce the number of tests you need to write at the edgesThe correlation between type errors and behavioral bugs, and how a type system can help you catch mistakes you don't think to test forDo type errors signal that you're missing a test?Structural vs. nominal type systems, and the benefits of structural type systems like used by TypeScript and GoBest practices for type-checking within a function in a structural type system like TypeScriptThe power of supporting literal types like true or "active" in addition to traditional typesLinks:Destroy All SoftwareExecute ProgramTypeScript"Are tests necessary in TypeScript?"io-tsTypeScript course on Execute ProgramGary's tweet about unions with literal typesSupporting the show:I decided to stop taking sponsors for the show because I think advertisements are annoying and no one wants to listen to them.If you do want to support the show, the best way to do it is to purchase one of my products:Tailwind UI, a collection of professionally designed, fully responsive HTML components built with Tailwind CSS.Refactoring UI, a book and video series I put together with Steve Schoger on designing beautiful user interfaces, without relying on a designer.Advanced Vue Component Design, a course on designing simpler, more flexible Vue components that are both more powerful and easier to maintain.Test-Driven Laravel, a massive video course on designing robust Laravel applications with TDD. Learn how to build a real-world application from scratch without writing a single line of untested code.Refactoring to Collections, a book and video course that teaches you how to apply functional programming principles to break down ugly, complex code into simple transformations — free of loops, complex conditionals, and temporary variables.
6 snips
Jul 21, 2021 • 45min

Why we 💚 Vim (Interview)

On this special edition of The Changelog, we tell Vim’s story from the mouths of its users. Julia Evans, Drew Neil, Suz Hinton, and Gary Bernhardt join Jerod Santo for a deep and wide-ranging discussion about “the best text editor that anyone ever wrote.” Join the discussionChangelog++ members support our work, get closer to the metal, and make the ads disappear. Join today!Sponsors:Sourcegraph – Sourcegraph is universal code search for every developer and team. Easily search across all the code that matters to you and your organization: find example code, explore and read code, debug issues, and more. Head to info.sourcegraph.com/changelog and click the button “Try Sourcegraph now” to get started. Featuring:Julia Evans – Website, GitHub, Mastodon, XDrew Neil – Website, GitHub, XSuz Hinton – GitHub, Mastodon, XGary Bernhardt – GitHub, XJerod Santo – GitHub, LinkedIn, Mastodon, XShow Notes:Companion “Vim with me” videos Vim with me: Suz Hinton Vim with me: Julia Evans Vim with me: Gary Bernhardt Vim configs Julia’s dotfiles Suz’s dotfiles Gary’s dotfiles Drew’s dotfiles Jerod’s dotfiles Links from Julia vimwiki basic.vim from The Ultimate vimrc Links from Drew vim-exchange vim-textobj-user vim-commentary vim-surround Links from Suz vim-twitch-line-sign nerdtree vim-airline git-gutter Links from Gary Wat Execute Program fzf.vim selecta Learning Vim Vim Adventures vimcasts Practical Vim by Drew Neil Extras Changelog Community (join us in #vimparty) Changelog++ Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!