
Gal Beckerman

Senior editor at The Atlantic and author of "The Quiet Before." Discusses social media''s impact on social justice movements.

Best podcasts with Gal Beckerman

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6 snips
Mar 4, 2022 • 1h 10min

The Latest on Ukraine, A TikTok Investigation, and Guest Gal Beckerman

Stephanie Ruhle, MSNBC anchor, co-hosts a riveting discussion with Gal Beckerman, Senior editor at The Atlantic and author of 'The Quiet Before.' They dive into the latest on the Ukraine conflict and its media portrayal, examining how narratives shape our understanding of global crises. Beckerman sheds light on social media's dual role as a powerful tool for activism and misinformation, especially in movements like Me Too and Black Lives Matter. The conversation also critiques TikTok's impact on youth mental health, stressing the importance of corporate responsibility.
Feb 24, 2022 • 51min

Gal Beckerman — How Newness Enters the World

When time becomes history, different dynamics come into focus than the ones that are at any moment screaming for attention. The title of Gal Beckerman’s book intrigues and compels: The Quiet Before. He’s a journalist with a special interest in history and words and ideas — how ideas are passed and debated and become defining in generational time; how conversation becomes culture-shifting relationship. He attends to dynamics we don’t often take seriously enough: that every idea and discovery that changes the world begins with seeds planted over long stretches, and that this is always marked by passages that look like abject failure. Gal’s conversation with Krista offers fantastically useful insights into how our generation’s media that can scale things more rapidly than ever before can also inhibit the very ingredients that make for lasting transformation. At the same time, this lens on our world refreshes with its perspective on the way change happens, as opposed to mere disruption — the reality that our lives and actions below the radar hold the possibility of being more generative than we can measure.Gal Beckerman is the senior editor for books at The Atlantic. He has been a writer and editor for The New York Times Book Review, the Forward, and Columbia Journalism Review. In The Quiet Before: On the Unexpected Origins of Radical Ideas, he tells stories from the last five centuries that have not come down in bold in history, but that incubated developments we later experience as defining — from France to Rome, from Moscow to Ghana to Tahrir Square.Find the transcript for this show at onbeing.org.