
Freddie DeBoer

Writer and author known for his critiques of social justice politics and his work on disability.

Top 5 podcasts with Freddie DeBoer

Ranked by the Snipd community
36 snips
Nov 21, 2024 • 60min

Where Do Democrats Go from Here?

Freddie deBoer, a critical writer and self-described Marxist, teams up with Ruy Teixeira, a political demographer and strategist, to dive into the struggles of the Democratic Party. They analyze why the party has disconnected from traditional voters, questioning the loss of working-class representation. Discussions include the potential decline of identity politics, the inadequacy of abortion as a rallying issue, and contrasting ideals for the party's future. Can they bridge the gap between economic concerns and evolving cultural narratives?
27 snips
Feb 20, 2021 • 53min

Book Review: The Cult Of Smart

Freddie DeBoer challenges the narrative of failing education in America in 'The Cult Of Smart'. He argues that education isn't declining, race and gender gaps are stable or decreasing. Critiques tough education reforms and advocates for reevaluation of meritocracy. Explores universal pre-K benefits and critiques traditional schooling system for limiting freedom and creativity.
11 snips
Oct 5, 2023 • 1h 7min

250: Freddie deBoer: Marxists against wokeness

Freddie deBoer, a writer and academic, discusses the identitarian takeover of the left, how elites infiltrate grassroots movements, and the importance of class in his book 'How Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement' on The Brendan O'Neill Show. The podcast explores the implementation of social justice, questioning reality and politics, capitalist co-option of leftist movements, the importance of specific demands in activism, the debate between class and race in politics, and the future of progressive politics.
8 snips
Jul 13, 2022 • 1h 28min

Does Glorifying Sickness Deter Healing?

Freddie deBoer, a thought-provoking writer and critic of social justice politics, dives deep into the complexities of mental health and disability. He challenges the romanticization of mental illness, arguing it distracts from real issues like class struggle. Freddie shares his personal journey with bipolar disorder, advocating for genuine understanding of suffering over glorification. The discussion also touches on the urgent need for effective mental health interventions and critiques contemporary societal views on success and identity.
6 snips
Sep 15, 2023 • 48min

Freddie DeBoer On The Left Eating Itself

Freddie DeBoer, a prolific writer and academic, discusses topics such as the hypocrisy of helicopter parents, the relative evil of US foreign policy, his communist upbringing, the destructive nature of performative identity politics, and the loss of black lives after the summer of 2020. They also explore the impact of social media, left-wing personal takedowns, comparing atrocities committed by different regimes, and the moral position and aspirations of the left.