
Francesco Di Lorenzo

Francesco is the co-founder of Typefully.

Best podcasts with Francesco Di Lorenzo

Ranked by the Snipd community
6 snips
Apr 13, 2023 • 1h

77 // Writing on the internet with Francesco Di Lorenzo

Twitter has created a whole new generation of internet writers. Francesco is the co-founder of Typefully, and he joins Adam and Mark to talk about the evolution of blogging, the importance of diversifying your platforms, and how Twitter can be used as a beacon to invite like-minded people into your conversations. Discuss this episode in the Muse community Follow @MuseAppHQ on Twitter Show notes Francesco Di Lorenzo @frankdilo Typefully Calm companies with Tyler Tringas Atomic writing Evan Williams and Blogger Mastodon, Medium, Substack Geoffrey Litt Platforms with Joe Wadcan Twitter acquisition So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed Farcaster
Sep 19, 2024 • 1h 26min

E355 | EU CVC | Panel discussion on Corporate Venture Capital – a deep dive into to set it up, engage with CVCs, and more

Join Jeppe Høier, an in-house CVC expert, Francesco Di Lorenzo, an Associate Professor at Copenhagen Business School, and Crispin Leick, Managing Director at EnBW New Ventures, as they dive into the world of corporate venture capital. They discuss effective strategies for engaging with CVCs and setting them up for success. The conversation also explores the balance between innovation and financial returns, and the evolving significance of CVC in Europe, particularly in sustainable tech investments. Tune in for valuable insights and intriguing industry dynamics!