

Prominent philosopher known for his theories on power and surveillance

Top 3 podcasts with Foucault

Ranked by the Snipd community
171 snips
Aug 31, 2023 • 37min

Episode #187 ... How much freedom would you trade for security? (Foucault, Hobbes, Mill, Agamben)

Prominent philosopher Foucault explores the trade-off between freedom and security in a surveillance state. The podcast delves into the potential benefits of surveillance, the value of privacy, and historical instances of sacrificing freedom. It also highlights the impact of technological advancements on privacy and the importance of informed voters in safeguarding freedom.
4 snips
Sep 5, 2020 • 52min

Uses of Nietzsche in Political Philosophy and Deleuze's Recasting of the Concept of Ressentiment

Explore the applications of Nietzsche's philosophy in political theory and leftist programs. Discuss Nietzsche's influence on political thinking, his concepts of ressentiment and eternal return, and debunk the caricature of Nietzsche as a fascist. Delve into Deleuze's reinterpretation of ressentiment, genealogy as a methodology, and Nietzsche's concept of ressentiment as the motor of history. Discover the person of Rezontemann and the political implications of Nietzsche's philosophy.
May 13, 2020 • 1h 5min

Deleuze, Foucault, and Prisons: Revisiting "Intellectuals and Power"

Deleuze and Foucault discuss theory, power, and activism in this podcast. They explore the roles of intellectuals, the tension between academia and power, and the formation of subjects. The episode also covers the challenges of working in a prison, the impact of COVID-19 on incarcerated individuals, and the importance of political praxis. The speakers reflect on privilege and the need to create spaces for marginalized voices.