
Ev Chapman

YouTube creator focusing on digital systems for productivity, knowledge, and creativity.

Best podcasts with Ev Chapman

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31 snips
Jun 16, 2022 • 47min

How to Leverage Atomic Notes to Create More Content Effortlessly With Ev Chapman

Let me ask you a question: Are you taking notes? If you're like me, then probably a lot of them. You see, taking notes is important because it helps you gather ideas and save them for later so that you can use them to turn what you jotted down into content but… The process of doing so can be messy! A lot of creators are just amassing a bunch of notes without being able to squeeze the full potential out of them. So what if we could find a way to systematize note-taking and content creation? And guess what, this is exactly what we're going to do in today's episode! SHOWNOTES: - Get Matt Giaro's secret emails: https://mattgiaro.com/private-emails?source=podcast-20220616 - Ev Chapman's Website: https://evchapman.com/ - Ev Chapman's Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/evielync - Matt Giaro's free 7-day note-taking course: https://mattgiaro.com/signup-take-better-notes?source=podcast-20220616 ENJOYED THIS EPISODE? 1. Give us a 5 star review here: https://mattgiaro.com/itunes 2. SUBSCRIBE so that you don't miss the next one!
7 snips
Jun 2, 2023 • 1h 11min

Ev Chapman on Knowledge Systems that Spark Joy

I invite you to a candid conversation about how we approach knowledge management. In this episode, I interview Ev Chapman, a marketer, a personal knowledge management expert, teacher, mentor, entrepreneur, creator, writer, and truly inspiring human being. We explore her unique approach to knowledge and content consumption as well as the intuitive way she chooses what to work on next.Discover how Ev's methods have evolved over time and how they've shaped her growth both as a creator and an individual. Don't miss out on the banter after we finish with the official recording - enjoy!Show notes will be published soon.