

The guest joins this week's podcast to discuss the existential topic of enough.

Top 5 podcasts with Erica

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6 snips
Aug 7, 2023 • 58min

016. What's your why, and does it matter?

Erica joins the podcast to discuss the importance of knowing your 'why' and its impact on finances. The hosts explore finding your purpose in life, aligning career choices with values, and the significance of intentional living for overall happiness and fulfillment.
Oct 16, 2023 • 1h 9min

027. Happy Sexy Millionaire Book Review - Two thumbs up, one thumb down

Guests Liz and Erica review 'Happy Sexy Millionaire' by Steven Bartlett. They cover social media, money's impact on happiness, gratitude, hard work, passion, and debunking societal norms. Tangents include The Golden Bachelor and Bachelor in Paradise.
Sep 4, 2023 • 47min

021. What is Enough?

Erica joins to discuss 'enough' - exploring concepts of Consumerism, Minimalism, and Conscious Consumerism in relation to self-worth and early retirement. They delve into the Hedonic Treadmill, emotional attachments to possessions, and tactics for being a conscious consumer.
Apr 2, 2024 • 20min

Case Study: How to Break Free from the “Perfectionist” Mindset

Guest Erica discusses the challenges of transitioning into motherhood, the pressure to be a perfect parent, and overcoming guilt and self-judgment in parenting. She shares her journey of prioritizing connection over control, embracing vulnerability, and creating a nurturing environment for her family.
Jan 25, 2024 • 1h 17min

How the Close Third Person POV Can Get You Closer Than First Person

In today's Books with Hooks, Bianca, Carly, and CeCe are joined by guest listener, Erica. They discuss the need to illustrate external plot points within a query letter, even if the book is more quiet/internal; using plot as scaffolding for the emotionality within your novel; the need for propulsiveness in a query and plot; figuring out how to describe your climax when it includes various subplots; how having a strong, definitive hook makes it easier to write a query letter; letting your story speak for itself rather than trying to shoehorn it into a different genre; the purpose of prologues (when they work); and specificity within a character's thoughts.After which, Bianca interviews Laurie Frankel, author of Family Family. They discuss the importance of creating unique character names; writing a novel that's full of nuggets of wisdom without being trite; sticking to one draft instead of choosing a different one that's easier; Laurie's approach to editing; what a leap of faith writing a novel is; and Laurie's use of third person close POV and how this can get a writer even closer to their characters than first person.Find us on our socials:Twitter: @TSNOTYAW @BiancaM_author @carlywatters @ceciliaclyraInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_shit_about_writing/ https://www.instagram.com/biancamarais_author/https://www.instagram.com/carlywatters/ https://www.instagram.com/cece_lyra_agent/Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/TSNOTYAWWebsites: www.theshitaboutwriting.com, www.biancamarais.com, www.carlywatters.com and www.cecilialyra.comTo ask a question, go to: https://sayhi.chat/TSNOTYAWBookshop.org affiliate page: https://bookshop.org/shop/theshitnoonetellsyouaboutwritingMore information about Laurie can be found at: https://www.lauriefrankel.net/She's also on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/laurie.frankel/ and Twitter at https://twitter.com/laurie_frankel?lang=enOur Sponsors:* Check out Acorns: https://acorns.com/TSNOTYAW* Check out Penguin Random House: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com* Check out Rosetta Stone and use my code TODAY for a great deal: https://www.rosettastone.comAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands