
Eric Laarakker

Holistisch dierenarts, acupuncturist en onderzoeker met expertise in informatiegeneeskunde en de kracht van water.

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Sep 6, 2022 • 1h 35min

How To Transform Your Drinking Water Into a Healing Liquid Crystalline Elixir w/ Analemma #431

Today’s guests, Dr. Eric Laarakker and Dolf Zantinge of the innovative water structuring brand, Analemma, bring yet another mind-blowing expert perspective to the show. We talk about their incredible wand device, what it’s doing to the water it’s exposed to, and what important benefits water they refer to as “coherent” can have on our health and the natural world. They reaffirm what we know to be true – water is so much more than H2O. It is all around us – in the air, in our food, and in our bodies. That’s why I’m so obsessed with learning more about it. Scroll down in the show notes for this episode to access quick links to the many other episodes on water we’ve put out over the years. It’s time to grab a refreshing glass of life-giving spring water and get ready to explore the fascinating world of Analemma on The Life Stylist podcast. Don’t forget to shop Analemma at lukestorey.com/analemma and use code LUKE5 for 5% off.   00:04:06 — The Beginning of Something New Exploring the work of Fritz-Albert Popp Biophotons (inner energy) vs. aura (outer energy) The Secret Intelligence of Water as The Liquid Language of God w/ Veda Austin #410 Plant testing the Analemma wand Veda Austin’s demo using Analemma water Commenting on the work of Viktor Schauberger 00:20:56 — Chaotic Water vs. Coherent Water Degradation of water quality (5G, straight lines, wifi, right angles, etc.) Water as a network carrying information Luke’s using structured water on his house plants Larger devices for larger bodies of water Benefits of external exposure  Microbiome and bacteria  EMF and external radiation  Quantum Creation & Epigenetics: Genes Aren't Your Destiny w/ Bruce Lipton #200 The frequencies of life (save the bees) 00:50:37 — Lab Testing, Human Trials & Collaborative Research Human testing the Analemma wand Glycan Age Testing Brain wave testing Selecting the materials of the wand Treating larger pools or bodies of water Next up: Structuring all of the water on earth  Astrological influences on water and frequencies   Rudolf Steiner’s work in biodynamic agriculture Where Science Meets the Mystical: The 4th Phase of Water w/ Dr. Gerald Pollack #425 Fourth-phase water/EZ water Litewater deuterium depleted water Water and colored light   More about this episode. Watch on YouTube.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: HIGHER DOSE. You've heard all about HigherDOSE’s portable Infrared Sauna Blanket, and now they've just launched a new line of Magnesium-based products. Detox Drops, High-Dration Powder, and Chill Chews are all brand new from HigherDOSE, designed to complement their high-tech devices and make for a powerful new addition to your daily health routine! Get your Magnesium line-up today at higherdose.com with the code: LUKE15 at check out to save 15% off. AND... INSIDE TRACKER. When you do what you love – like running, like racing, like enjoying the great outdoors – you want to do it for life. InsideTracker can help. InsideTracker was founded in 2009 by leading scientists in aging, genetics, and biometrics. Using their patented algorithm, InsideTracker analyzes your body's data to provide you with a clear picture of what's going on inside you and to offer you science-backed recommendations for positive diet and lifestyle changes. Then InsideTracker tracks your progress every day, every step of the way toward reaching your performance goals and living a longer, healthier life. You can get 25% off the entire InsideTracker store for a limited time by going to: insidetracker.com/luke. AND… TIMELINE NUTRITION. Mitopure is a breakthrough postbiotic that activates your body’s natural defense against aging. Clinically proven to unlock the potent bioactive, Urolithin A. It is the purest form of Urolithin A, a molecule, which is only produced as a by-product when gut bacteria digest specific ingredients found in pomegranates. Go to “LUKE10” for 10% of any 2, 4 or 12-month Mitopure plans at timelinenutrition.com.   Resources Shop Analemma at lukestorey.com/analemma and use code LUKE5 for 5% off Hang out with Alyson and me at the Modern Nirvana Conference 2022, September 23rd in Austin, Texas – Use the code LUKEALYSON for 15% off tickets! Are you ready to block harmful blue light, and look great at the same time? Check out Gilded By Luke Storey. Where fashion meets function: gildedbylukestorey.com Join me on Telegram for the uncensored content big tech won’t allow me to post. It’s free speech and free content: www.lukestorey.com/telegram   Related Episodes The Best & Worst Drinking Water, Filtration & the Magic of Structured Water (Solocast) #396 Badass Biohacks: Deuterium-Depleted Water & Molecular Hydrogen for Extreme Health w/ Robert Slovak #342 Water Wars: Protecting Our Most Sacred Resource W/ Erin Brockovich & Suzanne Boothby #319 The Ultimate Water Show! Filter + Alkaline Myths, & The Miracle Sea Water Solution Of The Century W/ Robert Slovak #313 The Water Wars Trilogy, Part Three: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Nature’s Greatest Gift w/ Mukhunde Singh #131 The Water Wars Trilogy, Part Two: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Nature’s Greatest Gift w/ Seth Leaf Pruzansky #130 The Water Wars Trilogy, Part One: Unlocking The Mysteries Of Nature's Greatest Gift w/ Daniel Vitalis #129 Igor Milevskiy: What’s in Your Water? #14
Feb 13, 2025 • 1h 10min

Eric Laarakker: ‘Iedere ziekte is een informatieziekte, dus informatiegeneeskunde heeft de toekomst’

Eric Laarakker, holistisch dierenarts en expert in informatiegeneeskunde, deelt zijn unieke inzichten over de rol van water in gezondheid. Hij bespreekt de kracht van holistische geneeskunde en informatietherapie, die verstoringen in het lichaam aanpakt. Eric legt uit hoe frequenties kunnen helpen bij stress en slaapproblemen, en het belang van een geïntegreerde benadering van gezondheid. Verder reflecteert hij op de impact van moderne technologie op waterkwaliteit en de verbondenheid tussen mensen en paarden.