
David Copperfield

Magician and entertainer, best known for his combination of storytelling and illusion, described by Forbes as the most commercially successful magician in history.

Top 3 podcasts with David Copperfield

Ranked by the Snipd community
24 snips
May 16, 2023 • 30min

The Soul of an Idea with David Copperfield

“Soul” is a word that I've never really used, but it perfectly encapsulates what has made David Copperfield the most successful magician of all time.  He has filled global audiences with awe for over 40 years.  He made the Statue of Liberty disappear, escaped from Alcatraz, and walked through the Great Wall of China.  And it turns out, the key to great magic is also the key to any great work: a visceral, emotional connection between the act and the performer.  You have to find and honor the soul of the idea.  This is…A Bit of Optimism. For more on David and his work check out: https://www.davidcopperfield.com/html/ 
Jun 10, 2024 • 45min

Magic Dave: David Copperfield’s alleged victims speak out – part 1

Magician David Copperfield faces allegations of sexual misconduct from 16 women, sparking a controversial investigation. The podcast delves into the challenges of coming forward post-Me Too and explores the illusionist's exceptional career, controversial side, and denied allegations. It also sheds light on modeling contest accusations involving Copperfield and Donald Trump, unsettling encounters with a celebrity, and detailed accounts of alleged inappropriate behavior and assaults.
Jan 4, 2024 • 9min

Why The Epstein Documents Matter

Explore the recently released documents shedding light on individuals connected to Jeffrey Epstein and their awareness of his illegal activities. Understand the significance of these connections in enabling Epstein to prey on his victims and the anticipation of additional documents being released.