
Christopher Cole

Founder and managing partner at Artemis Capital Management specializing in long volatility strategies.

Best podcasts with Christopher Cole

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8 snips
Nov 29, 2016 • 1h 5min

Christopher Cole – Small Bets, Huge Payoffs - [Invest Like the Best, EP.13]

My guest this week is Christopher Cole, founder and managing partner at Artemis Capital Management. Chris’s specialty is in long volatility strategies, setting up portfolios that will benefit from significant change and volatility in markets.  We discuss how a series of small bets can lead to disproportionally large nonlinear payoffs, in both life and in markets.  We also discuss the kind of watch Chris wears, Dennis Rodman, and movies, all as metaphors for his life philosophy.    Please enjoy!   For comprehensive show notes on this episode go to investorfieldguide.com/cole/ For more episodes go to InvestorFieldGuide.com/podcast.  Sign up for the book club, where you’ll get a full investor curriculum and then 3-4 suggestions every month at InvestorFieldGuide.com/bookclub Follow Patrick on twitter at @patrick_oshag
Feb 10, 2020 • 55min

Christopher Cole | The Hundred Year Portfolio: How to Grow & Protect Generational Wealth

Christopher Cole, founder of Artemis Capital Management, discusses the concept of the hundred year portfolio and the importance of maintaining asset allocation for long-term wealth. He emphasizes the need for true diversification and assets that can perform during market crises. Cole explores the challenges of market timing, risk parity strategies, and the impact of historical trends on investment decisions.