
Catherine Braik

Environment editor for The Economist, discussing the UN''s Emissions Gap Report and the state of global climate action.

Top 3 podcasts with Catherine Braik

Ranked by the Snipd community
10 snips
Apr 26, 2024 • 26min

The Intelligence: Britain’s latest bad idea

Mian Ridge, The Economist's Britain correspondent, analyzes the UK’s contentious asylum policy sending refugees to Rwanda and its implications for rights and sovereignty. Catherine Braik discusses the alarming climate crisis as Antarctica melts, affecting global sea levels and weather systems. Anne Rowe pays tribute to journalist Terry Anderson, sharing insights into his harrowing seven-year captivity and the resilience he showed throughout. Together, they unravel the complex intersections of politics, environment, and personal stories shaping our world.
4 snips
May 30, 2024 • 28min

The Intelligence: Rishi Sunak’s report card

Matthew Holhouse, a British political correspondent, provides keen insights into Rishi Sunak's rocky tenure and what it means for the upcoming election. Catherine Braik, the environment editor, explains the surprising impact of climate change on Earth's rotation, making our days slightly longer. Together, they delve into the UK's political landscape, exploring the Conservative Party's struggles against Labour's disciplined campaign amid a backdrop of escalating gang violence in Latin America, and the need for more effective responses to this crisis.
Nov 21, 2022 • 28min

Damage collateral: a tide turns at COP27

Catherine Raik, Environment Editor at The Economist, unpacks the significant COP27 outcomes, focusing on the pivotal issue of reparations for climate-induced 'loss and damage.' Meanwhile, Lane Green, who writes the Johnson column on language, delves into the fascinating linguistic patterns of the terms for 'mother' and 'father' across various cultures. Their conversation reveals the urgent need for climate funding and the universal linguistic threads that connect us all.