
Bayo Akomolafe

An internationally recognized speaker, thinker, and author exploring post-humanism and the complexities of existence. Founder of The Emergence Network and lecturer at several universities.

Top 10 podcasts with Bayo Akomolafe

Ranked by the Snipd community
42 snips
Jul 30, 2024 • 54min

ReGeneration Rising S2E10: Border Work with Bayo Akomolafe & Tyson Yunkaporta

In this engaging discussion, Bayo Akomolafe, a renowned philosopher and activist, joins Tyson Yunkaporta, an advocate for Indigenous knowledge systems. They delve into the pitfalls of anthropocentric approaches and advocate for a kin-centric transformation in addressing environmental issues. The conversation examines the moral complexities in global waste management and the importance of community accountability. By weaving personal anecdotes with Indigenous perspectives, they challenge conventional narratives of agency and encourage a more thoughtful, collective journey toward regeneration.
40 snips
Aug 17, 2022 • 1h 11min

Dr. BAYO AKOMOLAFE on Coming Alive to Other Senses /300

“The fugitive is the figure of the Anthropocene, a political invitation to unlearn ‘mastery,’ to fall to the Earth, to learn how to commune with soil… In a sense, the fugitive answers the question that is hidden within the words of my Elders, when they say: ‘in order to find your way, you must become lost.’” In this week’s episode, Bayo Akomolafe guides listeners on a journey to lose oneself and leave behind the ties that bind us to world views that do not serve humanity’s wholeness. Touching on the historical roots of fugitivity, Bayo challenges us to lean into the “political un-project” that is fugitivity, blurring societally-imposed binaries, in order to better understand the human territory and to make more-than-human sanctuary through post activism. If justice is an action and not a static state, how can we embody it? Twisting and turning through the contours of human consciousness and understanding, Bayo and Ayana dive into meaningful and existential questions. Rooted in trickster philosophy and abundant spirituality, Bayo encourages mindful and playful questions. At the heart of such complex questioning, lies the vital question of our time – what does it mean to be a human in times such as this?Bayo Akomolafe (Ph.D.), rooted with the Yoruba people in a more-than-human world, is the father to Alethea and Kyah, the grateful life partner to Ije, son and brother. A widely celebrated international speaker, posthumanist thinker, poet, teacher, public intellectual, essayist, and author of two books, These Wilds Beyond our Fences: Letters to My Daughter on Humanity’s Search for Home (North Atlantic Books) and We Will Tell Our Own Story: The Lions of Africa Speak, Bayo Akomolafe is the Visionary Founder of The Emergence Network and host of the online postactivist course, ‘We Will dance with Mountains’. Music by Dzidzor and Lady Moon and the Eclipse. Visit our website at forthewild.world for the full episode description, references, and action points.Support the show
38 snips
Oct 12, 2023 • 1h 23min

Cracks Leading to Systems Change | Bayo Akomolafe

Bayo Akomolafe, a widely celebrated international speaker and posthumanist thinker, explores the significance of disruption in the world, challenges of parenting, racial inequality, and questioning traditional power structures. They emphasize the value of cracks and failures as opportunities for new realities and invite listeners to reimagine normalcy and embrace questioning for a more flourishing future. The chapter also delves into the limitations of language and offers recommendations for future guests.
17 snips
Dec 22, 2023 • 1h 3min

560. The Way Is Awkward Not Forward - With Bayo Akomolafe

Bayo Akomolafe, self-styled writer, speaker, and activist, discusses 'story as a lie', being an intellectual, African embodiment, colonization, eloquence, polarization, cancel culture, post-activism, breakdown of culture, hyper individuality, gender, and more.
17 snips
May 4, 2022 • 1h 30min

Dr. BAYO AKOMOLAFE on Slowing Down in Urgent Times [ENCORE] /285

This week we are rebroadcasting our interview with Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, originally aired in January of 2020. Our hearts and minds are set to work by the urgent eco-social crises of this time. Caught in a cultural twitch of frenetic production and the sticky paradigms of modernity, we’ve penned vocabulary and designed technologies, manufactured frameworks and crunched numbers in an effort to diagnose and “treat” planetary collapse. We are invited by this week’s guest, Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, to pause and abandon solutionism, step back from the project of progress, and dance into a different set of questions: What does the Anthropocene teach us as a destabilizing agent that resists our taming? How can we show up in our movements of justice if “the ways we respond to crisis is part of the crisis”? What happens when we unfurl into a space of slowness and relinquish human mastery to a wider cosmic net of relations? Bayo Akomolafe (Ph.D.) considers his most sacred work to be learning how to be with his daughter and son, Alethea Aanya and Kyah Jayden—and their mother, his wife and "life-nectar,” Ijeoma. An author, speaker, renegade academic, and proud father, Bayo is Chief Curator and Director of The Emergence Network, a constellation of humans and nonhumans working together trans-locally to curate projects, rituals, conversations and events that nurture senses of the otherwise via practices that trouble the traditional boundaries of agency and possibility. Bayo is also a visiting professor at Middlebury College, Vermont, and has taught in universities around the world. He is a consultant with UNESCO, leading efforts for the Imagining Africa’s Future (IAF) project. Bayo has authored two books, We Will Tell Our Own Story! and These Wilds Beyond our Fences: Letters to My Daughter on Humanity’s Search for Home, and has penned forewords for many others.Music by Daniel HiggsVisit our website at forthewild.world for the full episode description, references, and action points.Support the show
17 snips
May 4, 2022 • 1h 30min

Dr. BAYO AKOMOLAFE on Slowing Down in Urgent Times [ENCORE] /285

This week we are rebroadcasting our interview with Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, originally aired in January of 2020. Our hearts and minds are set to work by the urgent eco-social crises of this time. Caught in a cultural twitch of frenetic production and the sticky paradigms of modernity, we’ve penned vocabulary and designed technologies, manufactured frameworks and crunched numbers in an effort to diagnose and “treat” planetary collapse. We are invited by this week’s guest, Dr. Bayo Akomolafe, to pause and abandon solutionism, step back from the project of progress, and dance into a different set of questions: What does the Anthropocene teach us as a destabilizing agent that resists our taming? How can we show up in our movements of justice if “the ways we respond to crisis is part of the crisis”? What happens when we unfurl into a space of slowness and relinquish human mastery to a wider cosmic net of relations? Bayo Akomolafe (Ph.D.) considers his most sacred work to be learning how to be with his daughter and son, Alethea Aanya and Kyah Jayden—and their mother, his wife and "life-nectar,” Ijeoma. An author, speaker, renegade academic, and proud father, Bayo is Chief Curator and Director of The Emergence Network, a constellation of humans and nonhumans working together trans-locally to curate projects, rituals, conversations and events that nurture senses of the otherwise via practices that trouble the traditional boundaries of agency and possibility. Bayo is also a visiting professor at Middlebury College, Vermont, and has taught in universities around the world. He is a consultant with UNESCO, leading efforts for the Imagining Africa’s Future (IAF) project. Bayo has authored two books, We Will Tell Our Own Story! and These Wilds Beyond our Fences: Letters to My Daughter on Humanity’s Search for Home, and has penned forewords for many others.Music by Daniel HiggsVisit our website at forthewild.world for the full episode description, references, and action points.Support the show
10 snips
Jul 31, 2024 • 54min

Bayo Akomolafe - Gen AI, Souls and Monsters

In this engaging discussion, Bayo Akomolafe, a post-humanist thinker and poet, dives into the intricate relationship between humanity and AI. He emphasizes the importance of befriending our own 'monsters'—the fears and uncertainties we face. Akomolafe explores how AI can aid in healing collective trauma while calling for a balance between technological acceleration and introspection. He advocates for courage, play, and innovation as essential components of navigating this evolving landscape, reminding us that intelligence is a shared human experience.
9 snips
May 9, 2023 • 1h 4min

What is a Good Life? #17 - Leaving Utopia with Bayo Akomolafe

Bayo Akomolafe, a celebrated speaker and posthumanist thinker, discusses his transformative journey through parenting a son with autism. He challenges the pursuit of idealized utopias, advocating for embracing complexity, bewilderment, and emotional authenticity. The conversation highlights the nuances of identity, the chaos within societal norms, and the importance of recognizing interconnectedness. Bayo emphasizes cultivating wonder as a means to tackle global challenges, urging listeners to appreciate life's fluidity and the richness of human experiences.
7 snips
Mar 9, 2024 • 57min

Bayo Akomolafe – Wie wir aus der Krisenspirale herausfinden

Wenn wir die Klimakrise überstehen möchten, dann braucht es ein radikal neues Denken und Fühlen. Das meint der nigerianische Philosoph und Psychologe Bayo Akomolafe. Warum uns Spiritualität dabei helfen kann, die diversen Krisen ganz anders zu sehen, verrät er im Gespräch mit Yves Bossart. Menschen der Moderne sind in einer tödlichen Logik gefangen, die es zu durchbrechen gilt, meint Bayo Akomolafe. Der nigerianische Psychologe und international gefragte Redner glaubt, wir müssen einen neuen Umgang mit der Natur lernen, ihr wieder zuhören und uns berühren lassen. Dazu müssen wir die Natur und den Menschen neu denken, als vielschichtige Prozesse, die alle miteinander verbunden sind. Akomolafe bezieht sich dabei auf die westafrikanische Weisheitstradition der Yoruba, aber auch auf feministische Materialistinnen wie Donna Haraway, die starre Konzepte durchbrechen und Gegensätze überwinden möchte. Yves Bossart spricht mit dem spirituellen Denker über mögliche Auswege aus der krisenhaften Moderne und fragt, warum jeder Tod ein Neuanfang bedeutet.
6 snips
Aug 8, 2024 • 52min

Crisis of Mastery | Bayo Akomolafe

Bayo Akomolafe, a philosopher, writer, and professor, explores the crisis of mastery that plagues our modern world. He dissects the impacts of 'white modernity' and its colonial echoes, urging a reevaluation of what progress means today. Through captivating metaphors, he discusses the importance of minor gestures in challenging systemic issues and how cracks can lead to innovation. Bayo also touches on the themes of belonging, failure, and the transformative power of our collective realities, inviting listeners to dance on the edges of thought and being.