Learn about the benefits of working with a book coach and how they can guide you through the writing process. Discover tips for choosing the right coach based on your needs and preferences. Find out how to assess a coach's experience, website, and personality to ensure they are the right fit for your project.
A book coach provides writers with feedback, accountability, and support throughout the writing process.
When selecting a book coach, consider their coaching style, genre expertise, website information, and personality for alignment with your preferences and genre.
Deep dives
Role of a Book Coach
A book coach guides writers through the entire book writing process by providing feedback, accountability, and support. They offer real-time feedback tailored to the writer's needs to improve the quality of the writing. Additionally, they help writers clarify their vision for the story and hold them accountable to achieving their writing goals.
Benefits of Working with a Book Coach
Working with a book coach can occur at any stage of the writing process, from developing an idea to revising after rejections. Book coaches help writers improve their draft, and they can recommend adjustments to make the manuscript more appealing to agents. They provide emotional support, guidance, and encouragement throughout the writing journey.
Choosing the Right Book Coach
When selecting a book coach, writers should consider their coaching style, genre expertise, website information, and personality. It's essential to choose a coach aligned with the writer's preferences and genre. Writers can assess a coach's philosophy, communication style, and fit for their project by interacting with them and asking direct questions.
In today's episode, I'm going to cover all the different ways a book coach can help you finish your draft and become a stronger writer. Here's a preview of what's included:
[01:15] A book coach is someone who guides a writer through the entire book writing process from start to finish while giving editorial feedback, accountability, and support along the way. [04:20] Generally speaking, you can work with a book coach any time -- that’s kind of the beauty of book coaches… they’ll dive in and meet you where you’re at. Plus, a few different scenarios in which a book coach can help you. [06:30] Tip #1: Ask yourself what you're looking for in a coach. What kind of coaching style works best for you? Do you want to meet on the phone or communicate via email only? [07:05] Tip #2: Decide whether expertise or experience in your genre is necessary. Make sure that the coach you're thinking about working with doesn't dislike your genre! [07:45] Tip #3: Read their website thoroughly. Do they have any certifications or special skills that might be relevant to your story? Do they read widely in your genre? Do they have testimonials from writers they've previously worked with? [08:35] Tip #4: See if you can get them on the phone. Just like in real life, you will probably know pretty quickly if you jive with this person or not. Trust your instincts! [09:25] Tip #5: Ask them if they think they're the right coach for you! Many coaches will be honest about this and if they're not the best fit, they can recommend you to someone else who might be a more perfect fit for you and your story. [10:30] Key points and episode recap.
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