Logistics is a challenging function, be it just shipping Christmas gifts from one end of the country to another. Add the challenge of logistics during and following a disaster, and the difficulties mount. In this podcast Gerardo Castillo, President of
AshBritt Management and Logistics is interviewed about his experience, the challenge of logistics and some history and solutions for the problem of logistics and finding solutions that work. It was impressive how much time his company spends planning during “blue sky” days. We also delve into the role of private enterprise and partnering between governments and companies like AshBritt when disasters strike. No matter if you are at the federal, state or local levels of government, you will find this podcast of interest.
This episode is sponsored by
AshBritt, a national rapid-response emergency management and logistics company. Celebrating its 30th year, AshBritt has led response efforts following 60 federally declared disasters across 30 states and has conducted more than 400 missions, successfully serving over 600 clients. AshBritt is the trusted emergency management contractor for cities, counties, states and for federal agencies, including the Department of Defense where AshBritt holds a pre-position debris management contract which covers 25 U.S. states.
Eric Holdeman is a professional emergency manager who is passionate about providing information that can help families, businesses & governments become better prepared for disasters of all types. Hear first hand expert insights from Eric on his
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