Aytekin Tank, an expert in automating tasks, discusses the journey from rural Turkey to building an automation-focused company. He shares tips on conducting busy work audits, implementing automation, and mastering tools like IFTTT for enhanced productivity in daily life.
Distinguish between meaningful work and busy work to prioritize tasks for automation based on impact and enjoyment.
Follow Tank's three-step automation flywheel model to break down tasks, automate workflows, and continuously improve automation for enhanced efficiency and productivity.
Deep dives
Identifying Meaningful Work vs. Busy Work
Distinguish between meaningful work and busy work by assessing tasks based on enjoyment, impact, and brain-saving potential. Conduct a busy work audit to pinpoint tasks for automation through hourly, periodic, daily, and comparison evaluations. Tracking these distinctions provides insight for automation strategies and sets the foundation for easing into an automated workflow.
Implementing the Automation Flywheel Model
Follow Tonk's three-step automation flywheel model: divide and conquer, design and implement, refine and iterate. Break down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps, automate workflows using suitable technology, and continuously improve automation by measuring success and making adjustments. Embrace automation as an ongoing process with three repeating phases to enhance efficiency and productivity across various aspects of life.