Special guest and celebrity roof gardener Molly Quell joins us for the traditional celebration of online outrage, political chicanery and flash-in-the-pan fame that is the DutchNews ophef awards. We have 11 instantly forgettable scandals for you to choose from, but in true Dutch fashion only four of them actually count. Look back in astonishment at a year of ministerial mishaps, penis-shaped cakes, QR codes for dead dictators, unlikely online matchmakers and abstinent Euro-rockers. And don't forget to vote for your favourite via the link below. You could even win a coveted DutchNews ophef mug!
Vote here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1XwbqQfUb_hZWGc5b_D0w9kd8l3uOXjD473u7A9EA8THK7Q/viewform