#37: 5 Questions to Ask Before Writing a First Draft
Jan 26, 2021
Discover key questions to ask before starting your first draft, such as defining your protagonist and genre, determining the story's point, setting, and plot. Learn how to craft a stronger, more efficient first draft by doing the heavy lifting upfront.
The purpose of a first draft is self-discovery, not perfection, aiming for a polished draft after revisions.
Crafting a compelling narrative involves exploring protagonist's change and aligning story elements strategically.
Deep dives
Importance of a First Draft
The purpose of a first draft is to tell the story to yourself, not to achieve perfection. It's crucial to understand that even with planning and outlining, the first draft will need revisions. By doing essential work upfront, you can create a more polished draft resembling a second or third version.
The Essence of Change in Stories
Stories revolve around change, both externally and internally for the protagonist. Writing a story where the main character grapples with change increases the likelihood of crafting a compelling narrative that resonates with readers.
Key Questions to Ask Before Writing
Before starting to write, considering five key questions is essential: identify the protagonist, determine the story's genre, understand the message you want to convey, pinpoint the story's setting, and outline the plot events. These questions help in creating a cohesive first draft and setting the foundation for a successful narrative.
In today's episode, I'm going to walk you through five questions to ask before you start writing a first draft. Here's a preview of what's included:
[01:25] The purpose of a first draft is to tell yourself the story. The purpose of a first draft is NOT to be perfect or to have everything 100% figured out. [01:50] By doing some of the important work or heavy lifting upfront, you CAN write a stronger, more efficient first draft that feels more like a second or third draft. But to do that, you need to know the answer to five really important questions. [03:15] Question #1: Who is this story about? Who is your protagonist? [04:40] Question #2: What's the main genre of this story? [06:10] Question #3: What point are you trying to make with this story? [07:20] Question #4: Where and when does this story take place? [08:40] Question #5: What happens in the story's plot? [10:30] Key points and episode recap.
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