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In this episode, we discuss the transformative concept called "Identity Shifting". We take a look at the three-step process on how to get absolute clarity on your future vision: identify who you need to be within that vision, audit your current thoughts and behaviors, and implement a daily practice to reinforce your future self now.
Join us in this episode to learn how to shift your identity and discover how to be present and enjoy the each moment, despite external setbacks life sends your way.
Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality
Download the Audiobook: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DCKF721M
What We Explored This Episode
00:02:32: Mental Frameworks
00:03:33: Identity Shifting Process
00:08:38: Mental Frameworks
00:15:45: Identity Shifting for Accelerating Potential
00:20:22: Identity Shifting for Personal Growth
00:25:10: Mental Framework for Achieving Goals
00:40:15: Mental Framework for Success
00:45:00: Identity Shifting and Future Self
Memorable Quotes
"Worry is a habit. No matter how much money you have, you're going to always worry about financial insecurity until you develop a new habit of feeling financially secure."
"We think that we're going to arrive at some future destination where we've just become King David or Queen Carol or the best version of yourself. But the way that actually happens is to practice that now."
"If you practice being that future version of you now, it accelerates your ability to tap into those thoughts, those emotions, those actions, those ideas, and to create those synchronicities."
Connect With David
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Check out our annual live event The Powerful Living Experience: https://powerfullivingexperience.com
Interested in coaching programs and more support?
Check out ‘A Changed Mind’ on Amazon:
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Mentioned in this episode:
Now Available: A Changed Mind Book