Lee finds a new lead in the vaults saga and receives an intriguing email from across the Atlantic. The podcast explores the mysterious discovery of an old Myspace band page called Alpin and the Disemboulers. Two hosts consider researching the abandoned island of St. Calic off the coast of Scotland after intriguing events led to the evacuation of its population in the early 20th century.
Exploring ethical concerns when considering job offers from dangerous individuals.
Unveiling the mysterious history of St. Calic Island and its eerie past events.
Deep dives
Unwillingness to Work for Dangerous Individuals
The reluctance to accept a job offer stems from ethical concerns about working for a notorious individual seen as dangerous and unpredictable. The hesitation arises from the fear of potential repercussions if the employer decides to reclaim the monetary compensation, leading to a discussion on the underlying ethical dilemmas of accepting such offers despite financial incentives.
Exploration of Mysteries Surrounding St. Calic Island
The podcast delves into the mysterious history of St. Calic Island, located off the coast of Scotland, and its abrupt abandonment in 1922. Through a journal passed down by a descendant of an island inhabitant, eerie accounts of annual ominous events leading to the residents' departure are uncovered. Plans to investigate and document these occurrences are discussed, incorporating elements of suspense and exploration of the unknown.