Patrick Hsu is an Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and is a co-founder and core investigator at the Arc Institute. He is a pioneer of CRISPR technology. In his Lab at Berkeley, Patrick seeks to improve our understanding and ability to control genetic circuits for the advancement of human health. His academic work has been featured in multiple prestigious awards, including Forbes’ 30 Under 30, the NIH Early Independence Award, and the MIT Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35 to name a few.
Patrick co-founded Arc to advance our understanding of the root causes of complex diseases. Arc seeks to accelerate discovery by enabling the impactful, potentially risky, long-term, moonshot projects through financial and operational enablement. Without the systemic pressure to constantly write grants, Arc aims to unlock the full potential of the brilliant minds of our country’s top scientists.
Patrick holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Biological Engineering from Harvard, an A.M. in Biology from Harvard, and a B.S. in Molecular & Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley.
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Music: Danger Storm by Kevin MacLeod (link & license)