Richard is an avid real estate entrepreneur with an insatiable appetite for starting or backing numerous industry known businesses from Halverton, M7, Mirastar, React News and Coyote to name a few.
He sold his last venture – M7 real estate to Oxford Properties in 2021 and at the time
M7 employed over 220 people across 13 countries, with over 569 assets and 4.3bn Euros worth of assets under management.
I sat down with Richard to discuss a broad range of subjects which covered some of the following topics:
* How he got into real estate
* Biggest learnings
* Being a value investor
* Parallels between GFC and now
* Why. Why now. Why go again
* Legacy
* Advice for aspiring real estate entrepreneurs
Oh, and one last question - who are the People, what Property, and in which Place would Richard invest should he have £500m of capital at his disposal.
Catch the full episode which is live on Spotify, Apple and Youtube NOW!
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Podcast produced and edited by Matt Cook at