Theodore Dalrymple — nom de plume of the ‘sceptical doctor’Anthony Daniels — will explore social and economic inequality in asession titled Is Society Broken? How to think about poverty, crimeand inequality. A retired doctor and psychiatrist who worked inprisons in Britain’s second largest city, Birmingham, Dalrymple hasfamously chronicled ‘life at the bottom’, anatomising thedevelopment of a multigenerational underclass in Westerndemocracies. His lively and provocative essays and books —including Life At The Bottom, If Symptoms Persist, Spoilt Rotten!The Toxic Cult of Sentimentality and The Wilder Shores of Marx —challenge liberal mainstream views about the causes of crime andthe reality of poverty. Dalrymple is the CIS’ Max HartwellScholar-in-Residence for 2016.