Rebecca McLaughlin is joined by Kenza Haddock to share her story of how Jesus changed her life.Questions Covered in This Episode:
Tell us about your life story.
Was your identity tied to being a Muslim?
What changed when you moved to the US?
What does “the end times” mean for a Muslim? What does it mean for a Christian?
How did you know it was Jesus in your dream?
What was it that led you to believe in Jesus?
What is Romans 10:9?
Why did you have to move away from your family?
What would your advice be to people who were raised in a Muslim home and are trying to figure out faith in Jesus?
How has your faith in Jesus helped you understand more of yourself in mental health challenges? How has it helped you, help others?
How would you as a Christian help others to think better about their Muslim neighbors?
Guest Bio:Kenza Haddock is a Christian author, licensed professional counselor, and a board certified pastoral counselor. She is the co-owner of Oceanic Counseling Group LLC, an outpatient mental health agency headquartered in South Carolina. Haddock is a sought-after speaker—she has spoken at conferences and churches, and she has been featured in dozens of news channels, including ABC 15, for her expertise in Christian counseling.Resources Mentioned: