482 – The Coaching Eye – How Reliably can Expert Coaches Observe Movement?
Feb 27, 2024
Expert coaches' ability to judge sporting actions like tennis serves is explored, considering factors like viewing angle, age, and gender. The challenges of observing movement in coaching, the reliability of expert coaches in evaluating tennis serve mechanics, and the importance of diverse observation angles are discussed. The role of expert coaches in assessing movement quality and key information in movement analysis, including the focus on shoulder internal rotation speed, is emphasized.
Expert coaches showed high reliability in judging key features of a tennis serve across different age groups and genders.
Observing movement details through video can aid coaches in providing valuable insights beyond quantitative biomechanical analyses.
Deep dives
Coaches' Ability to Observe Movement
The podcast discusses a study examining the reliability of expert coaches in judging key features of a tennis serve. The study focused on whether observing movements through video affected coaches' assessments. It explored challenges such as viewing angle limitations and the lack of detail picked up by the human eye compared to quantitative systems. The research questioned if coaches could effectively identify movement features without solely relying on biomechanical analyses.
Study Participants and Methodology
The study involved two high-performance coaches with PhDs in biomechanics who rated the serves of 300 tennis players from different age groups and genders. They identified and rated 13 key features of the serves using a scale from one to seven. The coaches' ratings were analyzed for reliability using the Cripindor for Alpha method, which showed high agreement levels among the coaches across various age groups and genders.
Key Findings and Implications
The results indicated strong agreement among coaches in identifying key features of the tennis serve, with most reliability scores approaching one. While some aspects like shoulder internal rotation speed posed challenges for judges, overall, coaches demonstrated consistency in their assessments. The study suggested that expert observation by well-trained coaches could provide valuable insights into movement analysis without solely depending on quantitative systems.