Simple and Effective Positive Discipline Tips to Yield Better Behavior
Jul 28, 2023
Learn effective positive discipline tips, including handling apologies with young children, strategies for better behavior, using choices and 'One, Two, Three Magic', and setting boundaries to encourage responsible behavior.
Parents should focus on giving attention and positive feedback when children are being helpful and positive to encourage more of the same behavior.
Instead of forcing apologies, parents can teach empathy by explaining how behavior has affected others and encouraging children to express remorse in their own way, helping them develop a better understanding of apologies and empathy over time.
Deep dives
Importance of Positive Attention and Feedback
Parents often give a lot of attention when children are acting negatively, but they should focus on giving attention and positive feedback when children are being helpful and positive. By switching the attention to positive behavior, children are encouraged to do more helpful things and feel a sense of accomplishment.
Teaching Apologies and Building Empathy
Apologies should never be forced, especially with young children who are still developing empathy. Instead of demanding an apology, parents can teach empathy by explaining how behavior has affected others and encouraging children to express remorse in their own way. Over time and with guidance, children will develop a better understanding of apologies and empathy.
Dealing with Morning Struggles and Power Struggles
Parents experiencing struggles with morning routines and power struggles can apply positive discipline techniques. Providing positive attention for following through on tasks, giving choices with clear boundaries, and using tools like one, two, three magic can help address these challenges. It is important to set boundaries firmly but kindly, ensuring children understand the importance of following instructions.
Erin helps overwhelmed parents get a handle on positive discipline with step-by-step tips. She covers where to start to see the most progress quickly and which tools to cover next to keep it simple and effective. She also covers some tips on teaching heart felt apologies.