An Epic Fight Over What Really Killed the Dinosaurs
May 19, 2024
Exploring the debate between asteroid impact and volcanic activity as causes of dinosaur extinction, unraveling ancient climate patterns and extinction events, and discussing the uncertainties in their combined role in the extinction event.
Debate challenges asteroid theory by proposing volcanic emissions as a significant factor in dinosaur extinction.
Advanced computer modeling and geological data suggest volcanic emissions alone could have caused mass extinction.
Deep dives
Debate Over Dinosaur Extinction Cause
The podcast delves into an ongoing debate regarding what caused the extinction of dinosaurs. While popular belief attributes the extinction to an asteroid impact, a new theory suggests that intense volcanic activity, specifically from the deck and traps in India, played a significant role. The volcanoes emitted huge amounts of CO2 and SO2, impacting the climate for thousands of years before and after the asteroid hit. This theory challenges the traditional narrative of the asteroid being the sole cause of the mass extinction.
Use of Deep Learning Model
A deep-learning computer model has been utilized to analyze the impact of volcanic emissions on dinosaur extinction. This model simulated various scenarios of CO2 and SO2 gas levels to recreate the environmental conditions believed to have caused the extinction event. By comparing the model's output with geological data, researchers found that the volcanic activity alone could have led to the climatic conditions capable of causing mass extinction without the asteroid impact.
Insights from Geological Record and Modeling
The podcast highlights how scientists are using geological records and advanced computer modeling to understand past climate conditions and extinction events. By studying isotopes in ancient sea shells and running simulations, researchers can infer how volcanic emissions affected the Earth's climate and ecosystems. This approach offers detailed insights into the long-term effects of volcanic gases on the environment, shedding light on the complex interactions that led to the demise of many species, including dinosaurs.
We wanted to bring back a favorite episode from 2023: A deep learning model has joined a vigorous debate over whether volcanoes began dinosaur doomsday well before the asteroid hit. Thanks for listening to WIRED.