If there’s one consistent thread in the debate over remote work, it’s how leaders who want their employees to return to the office argue that collaboration can’t occur unless people are working in the same space. But in each of these cases, there’s a glaring oversight on the part of these leaders. Namely, what are these leaders committing to doing or creating in order to facilitate a collaborative work environment?In this latest Leadership Espresso Shot, I make the case that leaders can’t just assume that because their employees are working in person that they are working collaboratively. Indeed, most of us are familiar with the problems of organizational silos, which is often driven by ‘office politics’, not to mention internal competition for limited resources or the attention of those in decision-making roles.To that end, I share 3 simple, but critical steps every leader should implement to ensure that their leadership inspires collaboration, and not conflict, within their organization. From the on-going protests to measures being put in place to stem the tide of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the recent revelations from internal Facebook documents of how that platform promoted divisive content for monetary gain, you don’t have to look far to see division and examples of an us vs. them mentality.That’s why I hope you’ll take a few minutes to listen to this latest installment of my Leadership Espresso Shot series to know how you can use your leadership to counter this wave of negativity to drive organizational growth and success for many years to come.And if you enjoyed this episode, I’d like to encourage you to share it with your network, and to also rate and review my podcast on your favourite podcast platform to help support my show.https://open.spotify.com/episode/5V8A9jDjB9ljbChyhhJT8n