Is our world a simulation? If so, then what are WE? MIT computer scientist Riz Virk explores these amazing questions with Whitley this week. Why are they amazing? Because they need to be asked–and can be asked–at all. Advances in physics and computer science have opened some very serious questions about whether or not reality as we know it is–well–real. And if it isn’t, what does that mean to us chess pieces? Can we do anything about how we’re moved about on the board? If so, that would look like magic. So, is that the destiny of science, to become what we now think of as magic? Are the chess pieces about to take over the game? Or are we going to be swept off the board forever? Find out the latest theories in this intense and provocative conversation! AND, if you are a subscriber listen-watch as Whitley asks Riz about the nature of the grays and why they might be called watchers, and who the watchers of the bible may be. This amazing show comes close to getting a glimpse BEYOND the walls of our reality. Plus, there’s a great discussion of what UFOs are and how they may represent penetrations into our universe of a very unexpected kind. This Dreamland will set your mind on fire! (Listen closely in the last half hour for some eerie speculations about who the grays may actually be…looking in from the outside.)