Today on Elixir Wizards, Marcelo Dominguez, co-founder at Mimiquate, joins us to parse the particulars of command query responsibility segregation (CQRS). Mimiquate is a specialized team of developers providing solutions for their clients with Elixir, Ruby on Rails, and Ember. Tune in to learn the benefits and potential applications of CQRS.
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The Wizards catch up with Marcelo and hear about ElixirConf Uruguay and Advent of Code 2022
Marcelo and the hosts run through their experience with CQRS and event sourcing
The definition of CQRS
What is the elevator pitch for CQRS
Marcelo distinguishes between database writes and reads
What are some limitations of the CRUD pattern
How to know whether your application will benefit from the CQRS pattern
What tools are in the Elixir ecosystem for implementing CQRS
How to quickly recover from outages within a mature CQRS application
How multi-node distribution impact CQRS architecture