Have you ever though about how Spotify is able to generate its fantastic Discover Weekly Playlist, how Amazon is generating a fortune by showing what other like you purchased in the past, or how Netflix achieves high user retention? The answer is personalization and in this show we focus on the most prominent way to achieve personalization: recommender systems. Whether you are a beginner and new to the field or you have already build recommenders, this show is to bring you the experts in recommender systems to share their knowledge and expertise with all of us. It is for making the topic more accessible and to provide a regular coverage of basics and advances in recommender systems research and application. I invite the experts to share their insights and to provide you with the right knowledge to get started and gain expertise yourself.
In this introductory episode I am going to share some exemplary use cases from different industries (music streaming, e-commerce, travel, or social networks) along with challenges and problems in research and application. Plus, I am presenting the first guest for our upcoming episode.