Welcome to Occult of Personality: esoteric podcast extraordinaire. I’m your host, Greg Kaminsky.
This is episode number 205 featuring an interview with alchemist Phoenix Aurelius.
Occult of Personality podcast is made possible by you, the listeners, and by the subscribers to
https://chamberofreflection.com, our membership site who aid us in the cause of informed, authentic, and accessible interviews about western esotericism. Thank you! Because of your support, we’re able to bring you recordings of this caliber and many more to come.
Now, in episode #205, an interview with alchemist Phoenix Aurelius. You can find Phoenix online at
Phoenix Aurelius has been practicing alchemy since he was 16 years old. He is accomplished in laboratory alchemy and the study of the alchemical tradition, creating medicines, treating clients, and teaching the royal art. Phoenix is also devoted to organic and biodynamic agriculture, which informs his alchemical practice. His mission is to, “…help integrate alchemy into the social fabric of our culture to inspire transformation and conscious evolution of both ecology and humanity.”
It was wonderful to speak with Phoenix after following his work for so many years. I was especially intrigued by his challenge to the generally accepted Hermetic correspondences based on his own research. I think this is a profoundly important subject and hope his openly discussing it here allows for greater examination of the presuppositions in Western esoteric practice. It was also quite fascinating to hear about Phoenix’s work using intrinsic data field analysis. The accuracy of the process that he describes is quite surprising and is definitely cause for further investigation. I support the work of Phoenix Aurelius by purchasing his products and services. You can do the same and help support Occult of Personality podcast at the same time when you go to
https://www.phoenixaurelius.org/?ref=occultofpersonality, or just click Phoenix’s logo on the side of the Occult of Personality website, and then make a purchase.
The intro music is “Awakening” by Paul Avgerinos (
http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/avgerinos-gnosis?song=3) and the outro music is “The Alchemical Tree” by William Zeitler
So, as you probably could tell, we had some connection issues towards the end of this part of the interview. But rest assured we reestablished the connection and successfully completed the second half of this fascinating and revelatory conversation, which you can find in the Chamber of Reflection. Listen to that exclusive recording at
https://chamberofreflection.com or at our Patreon at
I’d like to remind you that although you’re able to listen to this podcast at no charge, it costs time and money to create. We ask you to support our efforts and the creation of future podcasts by joining the membership section at
https://chamberofreflection.com or subscribing via Patreon at
https://www.patreon.com/occultofpersonality. And if you’re already supporting the show or have done so in the past – my heartfelt thanks and I salute you!
Thanks for listening and until next time . . .