In this special episode, William Green shares several fundamental, life-changing lessons that he’s learned from his conversations with Charlie Munger, Mohnish Pabrai, Tom Gayner, & John Spears. The focus here is on powerful insights that can guide & enrich you both in business & life.
00:00 - Intro
02:37 - Why Charlie Munger thinks being ethical is a huge competitive advantage
17:16 - Why Munger urges you to get “toxic people” out of your life, & do it fast.
24:52 - How Mohnish Pabrai forges strong relationships based on trust & fairness and how Mohnish’s success is built on David Hawkins’ insights in “Power vs Force.”
36:09 - What William Green learned from Hawkins’ books that changed his life.
46:36 - Why Munger won’t indulge in destructive emotions like anger & envy.
57:32 - How Markel CEO Tom Gayner infuses his business dealings with timeless values.
1:06:33 - How Tom operates by initiating trust & then assessing whether it’s deserved.
1:16:23 - What Tom looks for when appraising a person’s integrity.
1:25:18 - What John Spears learned from Quakerism that guided him in business & life.
Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences.
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