In this episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast, Dilly Hussain speaks with the Kashmiri activist, pro-Palestine campaigner and businessman from Birmingham, Shakeel Afsar.
Topics of discussion include:
Gaza genocide and British government’s complicity.
Punishing Labour and running as an independent parliamentary candidate in Birmingham Hall Green. Why now? Why independent and not Workers Party?
Have critics or opposition raised anything about Shakeel’s firebrand activism on LGBTQ education, Hindutva and Kashmir?
Tahir Ali MP was critical of Muslim parents protesting against RSE education, but he voted for a ceasefire. Should Labour MPs that voted for a ceasefire also be unseated and punished?
The Muslim Vote’s mediation and management of the independent candidates split vote situation in Hall Green.
What is Shakeel offering and promising constituents besides Gaza?
Why should a non-Muslim in Hall Green who doesn’t care for Gaza vote for him?