How To Seduce Girls Effortlessly: 4 Mindset Shifts
Sep 4, 2023
Discover four mindset shifts for effortlessly seducing girls. Learn about personalized coaching options and the importance of space in relationships. Explore aspects of seduction and handle red flags in girl-guy friendships.
Balancing interest and mystery is key in seduction and attraction, focusing on about 30 to 40% mystery while still showing some attention and interest.
Shift the mindset from constantly trying to prove yourself to assessing if the girl is worthy of you, having confidence and self-esteem to choose someone who meets your non-negotiables.
Deep dives
Mindset Shift: Seduction is Counterintuitive
Seduction and attraction are counterintuitive. The conventional belief is that giving a girl attention and showering her with compliments is the way to go. However, the truth is that it's more about mystery and subtlety. Balancing interest and mystery is key. It's not about completely ignoring a girl, but rather finding a middle ground of about 30 to 40% mystery.
Mindset Shift: Assessing Her Worthiness
Instead of constantly trying to prove yourself and be worthy of a girl, shift the mindset to focus on assessing if she is worthy of you. Have confidence and self-esteem, ensuring that you see yourself as someone of value. This mindset shift puts you in charge of choosing someone who meets your non-negotiables.
Mindset Shift: Women as a Compliment to Your Life
View women as a complement to your already fulfilling life, rather than something or someone who completes you. Focus on self-motivation and personal growth, creating a life worth sharing. Women should be an addition to your life, not the reason behind it.
Mindset Shift: Working on All Aspects
Recognize that all aspects of yourself, including looks, personality, behavior, lifestyle, and finances, are important in attraction and dating. Work on improving all these areas simultaneously, while also understanding that you cannot control certain factors like height or race.
These 4 mindsets that will not only change your thinking, behavior, and actions with women, but also how you feel about yourself when it comes to women and dating. Let's go to work upstream first by adopting these mindsets, and make the downstream work easier and more successful.