The Iroquois Indians would consume the infants of a captured enemy tribe before the eyes of the agonized parents. 100% barbaric, right? An organization with the word parenthood in its name sells parts of aborted babies. Also barbaric, but not quite the same, right? Maybe 75% barbaric? High school boys in St Paul assault a teacher, leaving him lying on the ground with concussion. Also barbaric, no? Would you say 45% barbaric? American university students silence dissent by force. Still barbaric, right? Just to a lower degree. Would you say perhaps 15% barbaric? Stanford University students vote 6 to 1 against Western Civilization. Also barbaric; maybe 7%. King Edward VIII made an immoral woman his mistress—2% barbaric? Will our epitaph read, “Our Civilization Was Eventually Annihilated By A Thousand Pinpricks of Barbarism”?