Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy, details the role of modern-day Nephilim in Satan's plan to install the Antichrist. Secret societies like the Freemasons and the Templars conspire to teach a history that contradicts the Bible. Wayne uncovers evidence of giants in ancient sources and challenges listeners to prepare for God's prophecy.
Ancient civilizations connect the cataclysmic flood to the Pleiades star cluster, implying a celestial connection.
The biblical account of Tyre parallels the legend of Atlantis, suggesting a shared history and downfall.
Secret societies like the Freemasons and Templar Knights promote their own religious beliefs, steering people away from biblical history and leading them astray.
Deep dives
The Flood and the Role of Giants
In various ancient cultures, there are stories of a cataclysmic flood, which is believed to have wiped out the Nephilim, or giants, who had caused chaos and rebellion on Earth. These accounts mention the involvement of gods or divine beings in the destruction. The flood is seen as a conglomeration of events, including asteroids, earthquakes, and volcanoes, causing massive devastation and changing the landscape. Different civilizations connect the flood to the Pleiades star cluster, indicating a celestial connection to this cataclysmic event.
Atlantis and its Connection to Biblical Accounts
While Atlantis is not mentioned directly in the Bible, connections can be made between the city of Tyre and Atlantis. The ancient city of Tyre in Isaiah 23 is considered by some historians to be related to Atlantis, as it shares similar characteristics, such as pride, prominence, and association with the Pleiades. The destruction of Tyre by the sea is seen as a metaphor for the decline of Atlantis after a catastrophic event. The biblical account of Tyre suggests a parallel to the ancient legend of Atlantis and its downfall.
Secret Societies and their Negative Influence
Secret societies, such as the Freemasons and the Templar Knights, are viewed negatively in relation to their preservation of ancient knowledge. These societies are seen as promoting their own religious beliefs and steering people away from biblical history. The knowledge they possess is believed to be used for their own purposes, such as establishing a universal government and religion. Their ideologies and practices are contrary to Christian teachings, as they venerate polytheism and rebel against the biblical God. The secret societies' influence is seen as a departure from biblical truth, leading people astray.
The Contrarian Perspective on Christianity
The podcast episode features a guest who identifies as a contrarian, emphasizing the importance of verifying information independently rather than accepting it at face value. The guest discusses their approach to studying the Bible, mythology, and different religions through thorough research and reading original sources. They also mention being meticulous about correcting inaccuracies and misconceptions. Their perspective challenges traditional fundamentalist beliefs and highlights the importance of personal investigation and critical thinking.
The Story of Ancient Giants and Their Influence
The podcast delves into the subject of ancient giants and their impact on the world. The guest connects various mythologies, religious texts, and historical accounts to present a comprehensive narrative of the giants' existence and their descendants. They discuss how giants were created through the procreation of Watcher Angels with human women, resulting in demigod-like figures with immense physical attributes. The guest presents evidence from different cultures to support the idea that giants not only existed but also played a significant role in shaping human history. They also touch on the survival of giants after the Great Flood and the ongoing influence of their bloodlines and secret societies in present-day society.
There are giants among us, passing largely unnoticed, intent on carrying out a secret plan to enslave all humanity. They may not look like giants today, but their bloodlines extend all the way back to the Nephilim-the offspring of angels who mated with human women-described in Genesis 6 when giants roamed the land. Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Humankind, details the role of modern-day Nephilim in Satan's plan to install the Antichrist at the End of Days. When God cast the angel Lucifer and his followers out of heaven, Lucifer set into motion a scheme to ensure the Nephilim survived.
Why? Because from the bloodlines of these Nephilim the Antichrist will come. To keep his plan alive, Satan has enlisted the loyalty of secret societies such as the Freemasons, the Templars, and the Rosicrucians to conspire in teaching a theology and a history of the world that is contrary to the biblical one. This Genesis 6 Conspiracy marches toward the Great Tribulation, when the loyalty of the Terminal Generation-this generation-will be tested. The Bible, along with many other ancient sources, clearly records the existence of giants. Wayne provides copious citations from many society insiders, along with extensive Bible references, other religious references, and historical material to bolster his contention. What he uncovers will astonish you-and it will challenge you to prepare for the fulfilling of God's promises.
Gary Wayne is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with biblical prophecy, history, and mythology. His extensive study has encompassed the Holy Bible and Gnostic scriptures, The Qur'an, the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and other ancient epics, language etymology, and secret society publications.