731: Client side security, XSS attacks & CSP with Stripe’s Alex Sexton
Feb 16, 2024
Alex Sexton, security expert at Stripe, joins Syntax to cover client security, XSS attacks, and content security policy (CSP). They discuss the design system at Stripe, common security vulnerabilities, the MySpace Samy Worm, and best practices for securing websites.
Implementing Content Security Policy (CSP) from the beginning of website development is crucial for maintaining security.
When rolling out Content Security Policy (CSP) for an existing website, developers should start by creating a policy that they believe is good and incrementally add locked-down directives based on identified needs and vulnerabilities.
Common challenges in implementing Content Security Policy (CSP) can be addressed by using strategies such as avoiding inline scripts, parsing JSON from hidden elements, and prioritizing hashes over nonces.
Deep dives
Importance of Implementing Content Security Policy
Implementing Content Security Policy (CSP) from the beginning of website development is crucial for maintaining security. Starting with a lockdown CSP and gradually adding necessary allowances ensures a stronger security posture. Incremental implementation is possible through the use of the 'Content Security Policy Report Only' header, which reports violations without blocking them. Additionally, developers should lock down default sources, qualify URLs for requests, and consider optimizing for hashed scripts rather than using nonces. These practices help create a more secure web application environment.
Strategies for Rolling Out CSP
When rolling out Content Security Policy (CSP) for an existing website, developers should start by creating a policy that they believe is good. Initially using 'Content Security Policy Report Only' allows for tracking violations without immediate blocking. Incrementally adding locked-down directives to the policy based on identified needs and vulnerabilities helps reinforce security. Developers can also consider using hashed scripts or nonces to allow specific inline scripts or explore alternatives like using async script tags. Understanding the trade-off between performance and security is vital when considering different implementation strategies.
Addressing Common Challenges in CSP Implementation
Common challenges in implementing Content Security Policy (CSP) include the need for inline JavaScript and managing initial state loading. To address these challenges, developers can use strategies like avoiding inline scripts by using hashed scripts or non-inline alternatives. Parsing JSON from hidden elements or using script tags with 'type' attribute set to application JSON can help load initial states securely. It's important to prioritize hashes over nonces due to caching limitations. These practices help mitigate security risks associated with inline JavaScript and ensure a more robust CSP implementation.
The Dangers of Content Security Policy (CSP)
Content Security Policy (CSP) is sometimes disabled as a quick fix for issues, defeating its purpose of protecting websites. In the past, similar approaches were taken, such as using 'schmod 777' to fix plugin issues on WordPress. One danger of CSP is clickjacking, where invisible links can redirect users without their intent. Another threat is CSS link knocking, which could reveal users' browsing history. To mitigate the risks, the new CSP directive called strict dynamic is introduced, which allows scripts to be trusted, but caution is required to avoid relying solely on CSP for security.
Threat Models and Mitigating Risks
Adopting a security mindset involves considering different threat models and their potential impacts. By working backwards from worst-case scenarios and building layers of security, it helps identify vulnerabilities and implement appropriate defense mechanisms. Strict dynamic can be beneficial for complex websites, allowing trusted scripts to perform various operations, while cautioning against overreliance. Additionally, using staging and development environments, applying PR approval processes, and automation tools assist in ensuring secure CSP implementation across different environments.
Scott and Wes are joined by security expert, Alex Sexton of Stripe to cover all things: client security, XSS, attack vectors, and CSP (content security policy).