Debasement all around: lessons from 16th-century inflation
Dec 28, 2022
Callum Williams, a senior economics writer, dives into the historical context of inflation, particularly the tumultuous 16th century under Henry VIII, highlighting societal unrest and its modern echoes. Charlie McCann, covering Southeast Asia, shares insights on the Baduy people who struggle to maintain their traditional lifestyle amid encroaching modernity. The conversation also touches on how media shapes dog breed popularity, revealing surprising cultural trends linked to canine adoptions across different countries.
In 2022 global inflation spiked at a rate not seen in decades. A look at the world’s very first such bout reveals eerie echoes of today’s woes—and lessons for tackling them. Our correspondent meets Indonesia’s Baduy people, for whom modernity is encroaching on strict religious and ascetic ways. And our data team finds that favourite dog breeds vary by country. Additional music courtesy of Wim van Zanten. For full access to print, digital and audio editions of The Economist, subscribe here