Latifah Phillips is a songwriter, a musician, and a record producer. Her projects include The Autumn Film, Moda Spira, and Page CXVI, a band that writes new and innovative arrangements of hymns for the church. On this episode, we’ll talk about making records, about how she found herself making music – in spite of lots of pressure to do other things – about what it’s like to be an Arab-American touring around the country and playing music in Churches… and she’ll tell the craziest story you’ll hear on this season of Cultivated. Check out Latifah Phillip’s work with: Page CXVI – Moda Spira – Moda Spira has a great series of live performances online too: Make sure and check out our other episodes. You can Subscribe in iTunes, or Stitcher, or Google play. If you really like what we’re doing, you can go to and help us keep going. Thanks to all of you who chipped in here at the end of the year. We appreciate it more than we can say. Credits: This show was written, produced, and edited by Mike Cosper Additional Edition by TJ Hester It was mixed by Mark Owens at Our theme song is by Roman Candle Our soundtrack on this episode is by Moda Spira, Page CXVI, and Roman Candle. Special thanks to Scott Slucher and Lachlan Coffey Daniela Rueda is our administrator And our logos were designed by Chris Bennett