In today's episode, Stuart welcomes Adam Boyd-Brown. They discuss a range of subjects including some of the big differences between online and in-person coaching, how Adam builds rapport with new clients, changing beliefs in clients and lessons learned in programme design throughout his career. Adam's qualified as a PT in 2008. He then explored multiple different avenues before finally pursuing his passion for coaching in 2016. He began as a self-employed PT working out of a small members gym in Chichester. Since then he's worked with many individuals both face to face and online through multiple channels (1-2-1 Face to Face and Online and Group Face to Face and Online) and has a business that runs a 50:50 split of in-person and online.
[01.40] - How Adam got started in the fitness industry.
[05.58] - Adam tells us about his feelings of anxiety about getting into the industry.
[13.10] - How his business runs at the moment/ what a normal week looks like.
[18.05] - Does he think it's necessary to go through the split shift structure most personal trainers go through with in-person?
[21.00] - Coaching in person before going online?
[23.07] - Differences between his online and in-person clientele?
[26.20] - His online coaching consultation structure.
[29.14] - Chipping away at new clients beliefs that are wrong.
[33.40] - What he does to build buy-in early on with new online clients?
[37.35] - How he has improved his programme design since he started in the industry?
[42.10] - Autoregulation and how he uses it.
[46.30] - Splitting up single-leg training with another exercise for hypertrophy clients.