BOYS ADRIFT: WHY ADHD IS DEFINITELY OVERDIAGNOSED is a powerful episode with Dr. Leonard Sax, author of 'Boys Adrift', 'Girls on the Edge', 'Why Gender matters' and 'The Collapse of parenting'.
We talked about the reasons for the overdiagnosis of children with ADHD and about the type of medications that have harmful longterm effects on children's motivation center in the brain (nucleus accumbens). Most experts are not aware of the studies that clearly show that children medicated with methamphetamines (Adderall, Dexedrine, Focalin) show a higher lack of motivation in the long term than children medicated with methylphenidates such as Concerta, Focalin or Quillivant.
Oh, and we also talked about the financial ties that many ADHD experts have to pharmaceutical companies, especially institutions such as Harvard Medical School... I think you'll like this episode very much so!
Dr. Sax earned his bachelor’s degree in biology from MIT, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa in five semesters at the age of 19. He then went on to the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned both his PhD in psychology, and his MD. Next he did a 3-year residency in family practice at Lancaster General Hospital in Lancaster Pennsylvania. In 1990, he established a family practice in Montgomery County Maryland, just outside Washington DC. He provided care for children and adults in Montgomery County for more than 18 years. He took a 5-year sabbatical, 2008 to 2013, to devote himself full-time to visiting schools and communities, and to writing. He returned to clinical practice in 2013 near his home in Chester County, Pennsylvania, while continuing to lead workshops and give keynotes based on his visits to more than 460 communities over the past 20 years.
Dr. Sax has led workshops and given keynotes not only all across North America – from California to Nova Scotia and from Alaska to Florida – but also in Australia, Bermuda, England, Germany, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Scotland, Spain, and Switzerland.
For more information on Dr. Sax and his work, please visit
'Boys Adrift' on Amazon:
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