Tim and Paz talk with 兼叔 and 阿宏, hosts of the Car 浮浪 podcast, about charging electric vehicles (EVs). What are the advantages and disadvantages? Some may not be on your radar yet! Find out if tire kicker, go the extra mile, AI, and autonomous driving are cat’s meows or pet peeves!
—Vocabulary Outlet 充電插座( n.) A major challenge of owning an EV in Taiwan is finding an electrical outlet where the car can be charged.
Emission 排放(n.) Reducing carbon emissions by increasing the use of EVs is a long-term goal of the government.
Infrastructure 基礎建設(n.) EVs, whose batteries make them much heavier than gas-fueled cars, have a bigger impact on infrastructure such as roads and bridges.
Swap 交換(n.) There's an extensive network of battery swap stations for scooters in Taiwan, but it’s a completely different situation for EVs.
Consolidate 整合(v.) In Taiwan, getting multiple EV charging companies to work together and consolidate information on their charging systems is difficult since the industry is rapidly growing and each company wants to keep its resources to itself.
Unresolved 未解決的(adj.) Unresolved issues about the convenience and expense of charging EVs deter some prospective buyers.