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A pragmatic and organized approach is needed to recognize patients with symptomatic Alzheimer Disease in clinical practice, stage the level of impairment, confirm the clinical diagnosis, and apply this information to advance therapeutic decision making.
In this episode, Aaron Berkowitz, MD, PhD, FAAN, speaks with Gregory S. Day, MD, MSc, MSCI, FAAN, author of the article “Diagnosing Alzheimer Disease,” in the Continuum December 2024 Dementia issue.
Dr. Berkowitz is a Continuum® Audio interviewer and professor of clinical neurology at the University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Day is an associate professor in the Department of Neurology at Mayo Clinic Florida in Jacksonville, Florida.
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Host: @AaronLBerkowitz
Guest: @GDay_Neuro
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Dr Jones: This is Doctor Lyell Jones, Editor-in-Chief of Continuum, the premier topic-based neurology clinical review and CME journal from the American Academy of Neurology. Thank you for joining us on Continuum Audio, which features conversations with Continuum's guest editors and authors, who are the leading experts in their fields. Subscribers to the Continuum journal can read the full article or listen to verbatim recordings of the article and have access to exclusive interviews not featured on the podcast. Please visit the link in the episode notes for more information on the article, subscribing to the journal, and how to get CME.
Dr Berkowitz: This is Dr Aaron Berkowitz, and today I have the pleasure of interviewing Dr Gregory Day about his article on Alzheimer disease, which appears in the December 2024 Continuum issue on dementia. Welcome to the podcast, Dr Day. Would you mind introducing yourself to our audience?
Dr Day: Thanks very much, Aaron. I'm Gregg Day. I'm a behavioral neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, which means that my primary clinical focus is in the assessment of patients presenting typically with memory concerns and dementia in particular.
Dr Berkowitz: Fantastic. Well, as we were talking about before the interview, I've heard your voice many times over the Neurology podcast and Continuum podcast. I've always learned a lot from you in this rapidly changing field over the past couple of years, and very excited to have the opportunity to talk to you today and pick your brain a little bit on this very common issue of evaluating patients presenting with memory loss who may have concerns that they have dementia and specifically Alzheimer disease. So, in your article, you provide a comprehensive and practical approach to a patient presenting for evaluation for possible dementia and the question of whether they have Alzheimer disease. The article is really packed with clinical pearls, practical advice. I encourage all of our listeners to read it. In our interview today, I'd like to talk through a theoretical clinical encounter and evaluation so that I and our listeners can learn from your approach to a patient like this. Let's say we have a theoretical patient in their seventies who comes in for evaluation of memory loss and they and/or their family are concerned that this could be Alzheimer disease. How do you approach the history in a patient like that?
Dr Day: It's a great way to approach this problem. And if you're reading the article, know that I wrote it really with this question in mind. What would I be doing, what do we typically do, when we're seeing patients coming with new complaints that concern the patient and typically also concern those that know the best? So be that a family member, close friend, adult child. And in your scenario here, this seventy year old individual, we're going to use all the information that we have on hand. First off, really key, if we can, we want to start that visit with someone else in the room. I often say when talking to individuals who come alone that there's a little bit of irony in somebody coming to a memory assessment alone to tell me all the things they forgot. Some patients get the joke, others not so much, but bringing someone with them really enhances the quality of the interview. Very important for us to get reliable information and a collateral source is going to provide that in most scenarios. The other thing that I'm going to start with, I'm going to make sure that I have appropriate time to address this question. We've all had that experience. We're wrapping up a clinical interview, maybe one that's already ran a little bit late and there's that one more thing that's mentioned on the way out the door: I'm really concerned about my memory or I'm concerned about mom 's memory. That's not the opportunity to begin a memory assessment. That's the opportunity to schedule a dedicated visit. So, assuming that we've got someone else in the room with us, we've got our patient of interest, I'm going to approach the history really at the beginning. Seems like an easy thing to say, but so often patients in the room and their caregivers, they've been waiting for this appointment for weeks or months. They want to get it out all out on the table. They're worried we're going to rush them through and not take time to piece it together. And so, they're going to tell you what's going on right now. But the secret to a memory assessment, and particularly getting and arriving at an accurate diagnosis that reflects on and thinks about cause of memory problems, is actually knowing how symptoms began. And so, the usual opening statement for me is going to be: Tell me why you're here, and tell me about the first time or the first symptoms that indicated there was an ongoing problem. And so, going back to the beginning can be very helpful. This article is focused on Alzheimer disease and our clinical approach to the diagnosis of Alzheimer disease. And so, what I'm going to expect in a patient who has a typical presentation of Alzheimer disease is that there may be some disagreement between the patient and the spouse or other partners sitting in the room with me about when symptoms began. If you've got two partners sitting in the room, maybe an adult child and a spouse, there may be disagreement between them. What that tells me is at the onset, those first symptoms, they're hard to pin down. Symptoms typically emerge gradually in patients with symptomatic Alzheimer disease. They may be missed early on, or attributed or contributed to other things going on in the patient's time of life, phase of life. It's okay to let them sort of duke it out a little bit to determine, but really what I'm figuring out here is, are we talking about something that's happened across weeks, months or more likely years? And then I'm going to want to listen to, how did symptoms evolve? What's been the change over time? With Alzheimer disease and most neurodegenerative diseases, we expect gradual onset and gradual progression, things becoming more apparent. And at some point, everyone in the room is going to agree that, well, as of this state, there clearly was a problem. And then we can get into talking about specific symptoms and really begin to pick that apart the way that we traditionally do in any standard neurological assessment.
Dr Berkowitz: Fantastic. And so, what are some of the things you're listening for in that history that would clue you in to thinking this patient may indeed be someone who could have Alzheimer's disease and going to require a workup for that diagnosis?
Dr Day: It's pretty common when I have new trainees that come to clinic, they just head into the exam room and they sort of try to approach it the way that we would any patient in the emergency department or any other clinical scenario. The challenge with that is that, you know, we're taught to let the patient speak and we're going to let the patient speak - open-ended questions are great - but there's only so many questions you need to sort out if someone has a memory problem. And memory is really only one part, one component, of a thorough cognitive evaluation. And so, I'm going to help by asking specific questions about memory. I'm going to make sure that there is memory challenges there. And whenever possible, I'm going to solicit some examples to back that up, add credibility and sort of structure to the deficits. I'm also going to choose examples that help me to understand how does this concern, or this complaint, how does that actually affect the patient in their day-to-day life? Is it simply something that they're aware of but yet hasn't manifested in a way that their partner knows about? Is it to a level where their partner’s actually had to take over their responsibility? It's causing some difficulties, disability even, associated with that. That's going to be important for me as I try to understand that. So, I'll ask questions when it comes to memory, not just, you know, do you forget things, but do you manage your own medications? You remember to take those in the morning? Do you need reminders from your partner? What about appointments; health appointments, social appointments? Are you managing that on your own? Sometimes we need a little bit of imagination here. Partnerships, and particularly those who have been together for a long time, it's natural that different people are going to assume different responsibilities. And so, might have to say, Imagine that you went away for the weekend. Would you worry about your partner remembering to take their medications over that time frame? That can help to really solidify how much of an impact are these challenges having on a day-to-day basis. I may ask questions about events, something that they maybe did a couple of weeks ago. Is the patient likely to remember that event? Are they going to forget details? Maybe the most important of all, with each of these, when there's a yes or an affirmation of a problem, we want to be clear that this represents a change from before. We all have forgetfulness. Happens on a day-to-day basis, and we all pay attention to different details, but what we're concerned about and typically the reasons patients want to come and see us as neurologists is because they've noticed a change. And so, I'm going to focus in on the things that represent a change from before. After I've discussed memory, I think it's really important to talk about the other domains. So, how is judgment affected? Decision-making? In a practical way, we often see that borne out in financial management, paying the bills. Not just paying them on time and consistently, but making wise choices when it comes to decisions that need to be made. You're out at a restaurant. Can you pay the bill? Can you calculate a tip? Can you do that as quickly and as efficiently as before? Are we starting to see a breakdown in decision-making abilities there?
We can sometimes lump in changes in behavior along with judgment as well. The patient that you know, maybe isn't making wise choices, they've picked up the phone and given their social security number out to someone that was calling, seeming to be well-meaning. Or maybe they've made donations to a few more institutions than they would have otherwise? Again, out of- out of order. Again, something that could be atypical for any individual. Looking for behavioral changes along with that as well. And then I'm going to talk about orientation. What's their ability to recognize days of the week, date of the month? Do they get lost? Is there concerns about wayfinding? Thinking about that, which is really a complex integration of some memory, visuospatial processing, judgment, problem solving, as we look to navigate our complex world and find our way from point A to B. And then I like to know, you know, what are they doing outside of the home? What are they doing in the community? How are they maintaining their engagement? Do they go to the store? Do they drive? An important topic that we may need to think about later on in this patient 's assessment. And inside the home? What responsibilities do they maintain there? Are the changes in decision making, memory problems, are they manifesting in any lost abilities inside the home? Cooking being a potentially high-risk activity, but also using typical appliances and interacting with technology, in a way that we are all increasingly, increasingly doing and increasingly reliant on. And last but not least, you know, maybe the one that everyone wants to think about, well, I can still manage all of my own personal care. Well, good news that many of our patients who have early symptoms can manage their own personal care. Their activities of daily living are not the big problem. But we do want to ask about that specifically. And it's not just about getting in the shower, getting clean, getting out, getting your teeth brushed. Do you need reminders to do that? Do you hop in the shower twice because you forgot that you'd already been in there once during the day? And so, asking some more of those probing questions there can give us a little bit more depth to the interview and really does sort of round out the overall comprehensive history taking in a patient with a memory or cognitive concern.
Dr Berkowitz: Fantastic. That was a comprehensive master class on how to both sort of ask the general questions, have you noticed problems in fill in the blank memory, judgment, behavior, orientation, navigation and to sort of drill down on what might be specific examples if they're not offered by the patient or partner to try to say, well, in this domain, tell me how this is going or have you noticed any changes because the everyone's starting from a different level cognitively based on many factors. Right? So, to get a sense of really what the change is in any of these functions and how those have impacted the patient's daily life. So, let's say based on the history, the comprehensive history you've just discussed with us, you do find a number of concerning features in the history that do raise concern for dementia, specifically Alzheimer's disease. How do you approach the examination? We have the MoCA, the mini-mental. We have all of these tools that we use. How do you decide the best way to evaluate based on your history to try to get some objective measure to go along with the more subjective aspects of the history that you've ascertained?
Dr Day: And you're honing in on a really good point here, that the history is one part of the interview or the assessment. We really want to build a story and potentially and hopefully a consistent story. If there are memory complaints, cognitive complaints from history, from reliable- that are supported by reliable collateral sources, we're going to expect to see deficits on tests that measure those same things. And so, I think that question about what neuropsychological measures or particular bedside tests can we integrate in our assessment is a good one. But I'll say that it's not the end-all-be-all. And so, if you've got a spouse, someone that lives with an individual for twenty or thirty years, and they're telling you that they notice a change in daily activity and it's impairing their day to day function, or where there's been some change or some concern at work, that's going to worry me more than a low score on a cognitive test with a spouse saying they haven't noticed any day-to-day impact. And so, we're going to take everything sort of in concert and take it all together. And it’s part of our job as clinicians to try to process that information. But often we're going to see corroborating history that comes from a bedside test. He named a few that our listeners are probably pretty familiar with. I think they're the most common ones that are used. The Mini-Mental State Exam, been in practice for a long time. All the points add up to thirty and seems to give a pretty good sample of various different cognitive functions. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment, another favorite; a little bit more challenging of a test, I think, if we're if we're looking at how people tend to perform on it. And like the MMSE, points add up to thirty and gives a pretty good sample. There are others that are out there as well, some that are available without copyright and easy for use in clinical practice. The Saint Louis Mental Status Exam comes to mind. All these tests that we're willing to consider kind of share that same attribute. They can be done relatively quickly. They should sample various different aspects of function. There should be some component for language reading, spoken, spoken word, naming items, something that's going to involve some kind of executive function or decision making, problem solving. Usually a memory task where you're going to remember a set of words and be asked to recall that again later. So, learn it, encode it, and recall it later on. And then a few other features, I mean, some of them, these tests, most of these tests use some sort of drawing tasks so that we can see visuospatial perception and orientation questions about date, time, location, sort of the standard format. Any of these tests can be used aptly in your practice. You're going to use the one that you're most comfortable with, that you can administer in a reasonable amount of time and that seems to fit with your patient population. And that's the nuance behind these tests. There are many factors that we have to take into account when we're picking one and when we're interpreting the test results. These tests all generally assume that patients have some level of traditional sociocultural education that is westernized for the most part. And so, not great tests for people that aren't well into integrated into the community, maybe newcomers to the United States, those that have English as a second, third, or fourth language, as many of our patients do. Statements like no ifs, ands, or buts may not be familiar to them and may not be as easy to repeat, recall and remember. And so, we want to weigh these considerations. We may need to make some adjustments to the score, but ideally, we're going to use these tests and they're going to show us what we expect and we're going to try to interpret that together with the history that we've already ascertained. When I obtain that history and I'm thinking about memory loss, I'm going to look at the specific domain scores. And so, if I'm using the mini mental state examination thirty point test, but three questions that relate to relate to recall. Apple, penny, table. And so, depending on how our patients do on that test, they could have an overall pretty good score. Twenty seven. Oh, that looks good. You're in the normal range according to many different status. But if I look at that and there's zero out of three on recall, they could not remember those three items, that may support the emergence of a memory problem. That may corroborate that same thing on the MoCA, which uses five-item recall, and other tests in those same parameters. I mentioned some other caveat cities testing. Are patients who are presenting with prominent language deficits important part of cognition. They can't get the words out. They can't frame their sentences. They may really struggle with these tests because a lot of them do require you to both understand verbal instructions and convey verbal instructions. People with prominent visual problems, either visual problems that come because of their neurodegenerative disease and so part of cognition, visual perceptual problems, or people who simply have low vision. Are there difficulties for that? These tests require many people to read and execute motor commands, to draw things, to follow lines and connect dots, all very difficult in that setting. And so, we have to be cautious about how we're interpreting test results in patients who may have some atypical features or may arrive with sort of preexisting conditions that limit our ability to interpret and apply the test to clinical practice.
Dr Berkowitz: Really fantastic overview of these tests, how to use them, how to interpret them. It's not all about the number. As you said, it depends if all the points are lost in one particular domain, that can be salient and then considering, as you said, the patient 's background, their level of education, where English falls in their first language, second, third or fourth, as you said, and then some of the aspects of the MoCA, right, are not always as culturally sensitive since it's a test designed in a particular context. So, let's say your history and exam are now concerning to you, that the patient does indeed have dementia. Tell us a little bit about the next steps in the laboratory neuroimaging evaluation of such a patient?
Dr Day: I've got a history of memory and thinking problems. I've got some corroborating evidence from bedside cognitive testing, a normal neurological exam. This is where we think about, well, what other tests do we need to send our patients for? Blood testing really can be pretty cursory for most patients with a typical presentation who have typical risk factors, and that can include a thyroid study and vitamin B12. So, measuring those in the blood to make sure that there's no other contributions from potential metabolic factors that can worsen, exacerbate cognitive function. And pretty easy to do for the most part, if patients have other things in their history, maybe they come from a high-risk community, maybe they engage in high risk behaviors, I may think about adding on other tests that associate with cognitive decline. We'll think about the role of syphilis, HIV, other infections. But generally, that's when it's driven by history, not a rule of thumb for me in my typical practice. But beyond the blood tests, neuroimaging, some form of structural brain imaging is important. A CT scan will get you by. So, if you have a patient that can't get in the scanner for one reason or another or won't get in the scanner, or you don't have easy access to an MRI, a CT scan can help us in ruling out the biggest things that we're looking for. That's strokes, hemorrhages, and brain masses. So other things that obviously would take us down a very different path, very different diagnosis and very different treatment approach. An MRI, though, is going to be preferred, not only because it gives us a much higher-resolution view, but also because it helps us to see sort of regional areas of atrophy. It's a sensitive scan to look for small vessel disease, tiny strokes, tiny bleeds, microhemorrhages that again might point towards meteorology for us. Of course, it's better at finding those small masses, whether they be metastasis or primary masses, that could give us something else to consider in our diagnostic evaluation. I get an odd question often from patients, well, can you see Alzheimer's disease on an MRI? And the true answer to that is no, you can't. Can we see the signs of Alzheimer’s disease? Sure, in some patients, but really what we see on an MRI is a reflection of neurodegeneration. And so, we see evidence of tissue loss and typically in areas that are most often involved early on in Alzheimer's disease. The hippocampus, the entorhinal areas around the hippocampus, we may see atrophy there. We may see biparietal atrophy, and of course, as the disease progresses, we're going to see atrophy distributed throughout other areas of the brain. But if you're looking for atrophy, you’ve got to have a pretty good idea what's normal for age and what you expect in that patient population. So, I do encourage clinicians who are assessing patients routinely, look at your own images, look at the images for patients with and without cognitive impairment. So we develop a pretty good sense for what can be normal for age, and of course work with our colleagues in radiology who do this for a living and generally do an excellent job at it as well.
Dr Berkowitz: Perfect. So, you're going to look for the so-called reversible causes of dementia with serum labs, structural imaging to either rule out or evaluate for potential structural causes that are not related to a neurodegenerative condition or patterns of regional atrophy suggestive of a neurodegenerative condition, and maybe that will point us in an initial direction. But the field is rapidly expanding with access to FDG-PET, amyloid PET, CSF biomarkers, genetic testing for APOE 4, probably soon to be serum biomarkers. So, patients may ask about this or a general neurologist referring to your clinic may ask, who should get these tests? When should we think about these tests? How do you think about when to send patients for advanced imaging, CSF biomarkers, genetic testing for APOE 4?
Dr Day: It's not that patients may ask about this. Patients will ask about this. And you've probably experienced that in your own world as well. They're going to ask about any of these different biomarkers. Certainly, whatever they've recently read or has been covered on television is going to be common fodder for consideration in the clinic environment. It's important to know what tests you can get, what reliable tests that you can get, and to know the differences between some of these tests when making a recommendation or weighing the pros and cons of doing additional testing. I think common practice principles apply here. Let's order tests that are going to change our next steps in some way. And so, if we have a patient, particularly a patient like the one that we've been talking about: seventy something year old, presenting with memory complaints, they're concerned, the family is concerned. We've got that history, physical exam, and now we may need to really hone in on the etiology. Well, I say may need because for that patient it may be enough to know, yeah, I agree, there's a problem here. And I can say it's an amnestic, predominant, gradual-onset progressive cognitive decline. This is probably Alzheimer disease based on your age. And maybe that's all they want to hear. Maybe they're not ready to pursue additional testing or don't see the value or need for additional testing because it's not going to change their perspective on treatment. In that case, it's okay to apply an often underrated test, which is the test of time. Recognizing this is a patient I can follow. I can see them in six months or twelve months, depending on what your clinic schedule allows. If this is Alzheimer disease, I'm going to expect further gradual progression that may affirm the diagnosis. We can think about symptomatic therapies for a patient like that, perhaps Donepezil as an early, early medication that may help with symptoms somewhat and we can leave it at that for the time being. But there's many scenarios where that patient or the family member says, look, I really need to know. We really want this answer. And as you pointed out, there are good tests and increasingly good tests that we have access to.
Dr Berkowitz: Well, that's a very helpful overview of the landscape of more precise diagnostic testing for Alzheimer disease specifically and how you think about which tests to order and when based on your pretest probability and the patient 's candidacy for some of these new potential therapies. To close here, as you said, treatment is discussed in another podcast. There's another article in this issue. So, we won't get into that today. But let's say you have gotten to the end of the diagnostic journey here. You are now convinced the patient does have Alzheimer's disease. How do you present that diagnosis to the patient and their family?
Dr Day: I think here we're going to recognize that different styles align with different patients and families, and certainly different clinicians are going to have different approaches. I do tend to take a pretty direct approach. By the time that patients are coming to see me, they've probably already seen another neurologist or at least another physician who's maybe started some of the testing, maybe even built the foundation towards this diagnosis and shared some indications. Certainly, when they look up my profile before they come to see me, they know what I specialize in and so, they may even have done their own research, which has ups and downs in terms of the questions that I'll be faced with at that point in time. The way I like to start is first acknowledging the symptoms. And the symptoms that the patients have shared with me, recognizing if those symptoms are impacting daily life, how they impacted daily life, and usually using that information to synthesize or qualify the diagnosis. Is there cognitive impairment, yes or no? And at what level is that cognitive impairment? Is this mild cognitive impairment? Is this mild dementia? Is it maybe more moderate or severe dementia? So, using those terms directly with patients and explaining the meaning of them. But I then transition in relatively quickly to the important point of not leaving it at the syndrome, but actually thinking about the cause. Because it is cause that patients come to talk about. And if they don't say that directly, they say it in their next question, which is what are we going to do about it and how are we going to treat this? And so, I will use the information I have available at that time to suggest that based on your age, based on the history, the normal physical examination, the performance and the bedside testing that we've done. And hey, that's pretty normal structural imaging or imaging that only shows a little bit of atrophy in a few areas. I think that this condition is most consistent with symptomatic Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease, or mild dementia due to Alzheimer's disease. And then I'll discuss the next options in terms of testing and try to get a feel of what our patients are thinking about when it comes to treatment. Do they want to be on the cutting edge with brand-new therapies that offer potential benefits but counterbalance by pretty substantial risks that warrant individualized discussions? Are they interested in symptomatic therapies? Would that be appropriate for them? And I can usually round out the discussion with advice that works for everyone. And that's where we talk about the importance of brain health. What are the other things that I should be doing, you should be doing, and our patients and their partners should be doing as well to maintain our brain in its best possible state as we hope that we all continue to age and look towards the future where we maintain our cognition as best as possible? And that is still the goal. Even when we're talking to patients who have neurodegenerative diseases that are working against our efforts, we still want to do what we can to treat other problems, to evaluate for other problems that may be contributing to decline and may be amenable to our management as well.
Dr Berkowitz: Well, thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us today. I've learned a lot from your very nuanced and thoughtful approach to taking the history, performing the examination, making sense of cognitive tests and how they fit into the larger picture of the history and examination, and thinking about which patients might be candidates for more advanced imaging as we try to make a precise diagnosis in patients who may be candidates and interested in some of the potential novel therapies, which we both alluded to a few times, but are deferring to another podcast that we'll delve more deeply into that topic in this series. So, thank you so much again, Dr Day. Again, I've been interviewing Dr Gregory Day from the Mayo Clinic, whose article on Alzheimer's disease appears in the most recent issue of Continuum on Dementia. Be sure to check out Continuum Audio episodes from this and other issues. And thank you so much to our listeners for joining today.
Dr Monteith: This is Dr Teshamae Monteith, associate editor of Continuum Audio. If you've enjoyed this episode, you'll love the journal, which is full of in-depth and clinically relevant information important for neurology practitioners. Use this link in the episode notes to learn more and subscribe. AAN members, you can get CME for listening to this interview by completing the evaluation at Thank you for listening to Continuum Audio.