In today's episode, Stuart welcomes Graham Hurst. Graham, @graphicforcoaches, is a former police officer and online coach turned designer. He creates thumb-stopping, highly engaging social media images for the country's top coaches and PT's. As this is an episode on how I use social media, they spend the majority of their time talking about using social media, creating content, common design mistakes Graham sees trainers doing and getting clients from Instagram. Timestamps are below.
[01.10] - How long Graham has been posting on social media?
[03.03] - Using social media as a fitness professional.
[05.42] - Content creation tips.
[08.23] - Places to find images.
[10.40] - Amount of time spent creating posts.
[13.20] - His posting schedule.
[17.40] - Canva design tips.
[19.24] - What trainers can do better with design on social media.