In this jam-packed and very nourishing episode, embodiment coach Syanna Wand and I...
discuss trauma as a chronic contractive state that doesn't allow for the expansion required to nourish ourselves
talk about widening our windows of tolerance and how we work with our bodies to do that
discuss heightened sensitivity (people who feel EVERYTHING) and how interoception can be scary and anxiety-inducing for people who want to feel in their bodies LESS, not more
talk about feeling into the body when you experience health anxiety
discuss the need-satisfaction cycle and how we get into habits of compulsively seeking fullness and aren't totally sure how to stop once we begin to complete the need-satisfaction cycle
have an in-depth discussion about caregivers, attunement needs, and self-sabotage
talk about nourishment barriers — the blocks we have in place to nourishment because it feels dangerous and how we can move through those with boundary work and safe dialogue
have a gentle and compassionate discussion about victim mentality as a space of chronic emotional hunger
explore how identity as belonging and connection intersect with victimhood, illness, and wellness