Enrico Gnaulati Ph.D. is a frequent contributor to national publications like The Atlantic, Salon, and The Huffington Post, Gnaulati is also sought-after public speaker and radio guest. He is a nationally-recognized reformer of mental health practice and policy, has published numerous articles in both academic journals and popular magazines, and is the author of multiple acclaimed books, including Flourishing Love: A Secular Guide to Lasting Intimate Relationships (Karnac Books, 2023); Saving Talk Therapy: How Health Insurers, Big Pharma, and Slanted Science are Ruining Good Mental Health Care (Beacon Press, 2018), and Back to Normal: Why Ordinary Childhood Behavior Is Mistaken for ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Beacon Press, Sept. 2013). He is in private practice in Pasadena, California.
* Ph.D., clinical psychology, Columbia University, child and adolescent assessment and therapy track (1996)
* M.Phil., M.Sc., clinical psychology, Columbia University (1994)
* post-graduate research, University of Washington (1988-1990)
*M.A., psychology, Seattle University (1987)
* B.A., American studies; minor, philosophy, California StCte University, Fullerton (1985)
Academic Teaching and Research
* Lecturer, child & family studies and psychology departments, California State University, Los Angeles (1998-2004)
* Adjunct Professor of Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles campus (1998-2000)
* Adjunct Professor of Psychology, City College, City University, NYC (1994-1995).
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