*UNLOCKED* Trashfuture Live - The Nadine Dorries Book (RIP Riley’s Tummy)
Dec 26, 2023
Guest: Nadine Dorries, Author. The hosts discuss Nadine Dorries' book 'The Plot, the political assassination of Boris Johnson' and analyze its partisan nature. They delve into conspiracy theories about the deep state. They critique a ghostwritten book and highlight its weird food and drink-focused nature. The origins and actions of 'The Movement' are explored. The influence of Paul Stains on politics is discussed along with scandal, sex parties, and political careers. A conspiracy theory connected to influential figures is explored. The speakers engage in a humorous and meandering discussion about conspiracy theories, politics, and cheese.
The podcast episode discusses a grand conspiracy to remove Boris Johnson from power, involving internal movements and the discrediting of Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak.
The investigation into the conspiracy remains inconclusive, leaving unanswered questions and unresolved connections.
The podcast highlights the lack of evidence and credibility in Nadine Dorries' sensational allegations and claims about the inner workings of the Tory party.
Deep dives
Boris battles against Oddjob
In this episode, the main protagonist, Nadine Doris, uncovers a grand conspiracy to remove Boris Johnson from power. She discusses how Boris made the right decisions but was ultimately brought down by an internal movement. Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak also play significant roles in the story, with the movement discrediting them to achieve their goals. Along the way, there are references to Bond villains, weird metaphors, and other conspiratorial elements.
The Mystery of Diver Girl and Anonymous Sources
Nadine Doris meets an anonymous source called Diver Girl, who provides inside information related to the conspiracy. She explores a web of connections between individuals and events in Westminster, while trying to solve the mystery. The story involves encounters with various Tory MPs, including Michael Gove, Oliver Letwin, and others. However, the investigation remains inconclusive, leaving unanswered questions and unresolved connections.
The Role of Liz Truss and the Money Men of the Globe
The podcast reveals how the movement targeted Liz Truss, attempting to discredit her and ultimately elevate Rishi Sunak. The movement's hatred for wives and their desire to control political figures are explored. Additionally, there are mentions of the money men of the globe, conspiratorial elements related to Rupert Murdoch, and a dodgy dossier that further skews the power dynamics. Ultimately, the conspiracy succeeds in raising corporation tax to 25%. However, the podcast leaves several other intriguing conspiracy theories unexplored.
Dark conspiracy theories and political intrigue
The podcast episode delves into the world of conspiracy theories and political intrigue, with the host discussing a book written by Nadine Dorries, a British MP. The book contains sensational allegations and claims about the inner workings of the Tory party, including secret networks, sexual relations, and alleged criminal activities. Through a humorous lens, the podcast explores the outlandish nature of these claims and highlights the lack of evidence and credibility in Dorries' storytelling.
Boris Johnson's downfall and the role of betrayal
The podcast episode examines the alleged betrayal of Boris Johnson by his colleagues within the Conservative party. Dorries' book suggests that there was a conspiracy against Johnson orchestrated by a gay network of politicians who sought to bring him down. The podcast unpacks the absurdity of these claims and questions the motives and credibility of the author, highlighting the lack of concrete evidence supporting her allegations.
In this unlocked bonus episode, Alice, Milo, Nate and Hussein are once again LIVE at Between The Bridges, sadly without Riley because Nadine Dorries' book destroyed his gastrointestinal system. However, undeterred, Alice read the book and her stomach was made of stronger stuff. Milo was also able to simulate Riley using Chat GPT so it's almost like he's there...
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