CardioNerds (Drs. Amit Goyal, Jason Feinman, and Tiffany Dong) discuss Beyond the Boards: Diseases of the Peripheral Arteries with Dr. Amy Pollak. We review common presentations of peripheral vascular disease, ranging from aortic disease to the more distal vessels in an engaging case-based discussion. Dr. Pollack talks us through these cases, including the diagnosis and management of peripheral vascular diseases. Show notes were drafted by Dr. Matt Delfiner and episode audio was edited by student doctor Tina Reddy.
The CardioNerds Beyond the Boards Series was inspired by the Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Board Review Course and designed in collaboration with the course directors Dr. Amy Pollak, Dr. Jeffrey Geske, and Dr. Michael Cullen.
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Pearls and Quotes - Disease of the Peripheral Arteries
Risk factors for abdominal aortic aneurysm include traditional atherosclerotic risk factors such as age, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and tobacco use.
Screening for AAA should be for men over the age of 65 years with a history of tobacco use. If present, medical management includes blood pressure and lipid lowering therapies to decrease the risk of expansion. Decision for surgical intervention relies on size and rate of growth of AAA, with clear indications if it grows> 10 mm in a year or diameter of 5.5 cm in men and 5.0 cm in women.
When diagnosis of PAD is not straightforward (presence of symptoms but ABI is normal), an exercise ankle-brachial index (ABI) test can be useful. An exercise-induced decrease in ABI by 20% or in ankle pressure by 30 mmHg is consistent with PAD.
For PAD, treatment with low dose rivaroxaban and aspirin yields lower event rates than with antiplatelet therapy alone. This in combination with lifestyle therapies (diet + exercise) and risk factor management (hypertension and hyperlipidemia) are the cornerstones of therapy. Revascularization is indicated for continued PAD symptoms despite conservative therapy.
Acute limb ischemia is an “acute leg attack” and is a life-threatening emergency. Common symptoms include pain, pallor, pulselesess, parasthesias, cold temperature (poikilothermia), and paralysis. Restoration of blood flow is paramount, and emergent or urgent revascularization is the first line therapy for those with symptoms < 2 weeks.
Notes - Disease of the Peripheral Arteries
Learning Objectives:
Describe screening and therapeutic strategy for AAA management.
Understand the risk factors and diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease.
Compare different management approaches for PAD.
Be able to recognize acute limb ischemia.
Describe the overall treatment strategy for acute limb ischemia.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Abdominal aortic aneurysms are a source of high morbidity and mortality. The US Preventative Services Task Force recommends one time screening ultrasound for AAA in men older than 65 years of age with a tobacco use history. Risk factors include age, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and tobacco use. Patients with AAA between 3-3.9 mm should be monitored every 2-3 years. Sizes 4-5 cm should be re-imaged every 6-12 months. Additional screening can be done for individuals < 65 years who have a first degree relative with AAA.
Women are more likely to have aortic dissection at smaller diameters than men, which is why intervention (open vs endovascular repair) is recommended at 5 cm diameter for women versus at 5.5 cm for men. Additionally, repair is also warranted if a AAA grows more than 5 mm in 6 months or 10 mm in one year.
Risk factor management is key with AAA, including blood pressure, glucose, and lipid targeting. The presence of an AAA should be treated as secondary ASCVD prevention like coronary a...